An insult. When one wants to insult another and tell him/her to, ‘Go suck a dick!’ but does not want them to suck their dick. Only to tell them to suck your own dick, hence ‘Go suck your dick!’
Ross was annoying Robert so that Robert wanted to tell Ross to “Go suck a dick!” However, Robert didn’t want to subject anyone else to Ross’ stupidity so he told Ross to suck his own dick… ‘Go suck your dick!”
When you suck so bad at your public job people gel you to suck eggs bitch fuck
Suck eggs bitch fuck ,
now gimme my goddamn McMuffin!
Colossal failure; likely to be terrible; overly critical of others to hide personal lack of virtue or likeability; see also Brad Dunkin
This team is unquestionably a huge sucking vortex of ineptitude.
When the 40 year old obese man is sitting behinds his PC for 10 hours on dsicord. why u even searched this up bro u gay as hell ong
- nuzzly muzzly lemme suck u qt~~
- Bro kys rn
When you take a cause or project on that's huge
They said l couldn't do it but l just decided what the heck l was just going to damn well 'wrangle suck' it and just damn well did it.