Rat king is an relly Nice guy he cares about people and stuff he gives you an honest opinion about things when you ask him and he is hella funny ISTG /pos
If you ever se rat king talk to him and he”ll showed you you’re future 😍
Hitting off of multiple dab pens/carts at once
Bro jack is the total Rat king, He got high as hell
Whenever a group of 3-30 rats ends up getting their tails tangled together, forming a knot. This will cause the rats to stay stuck and be unable to move.
As I was walking down the sewer preparing for clean up, I saw a rat king at one of the corners.
No Cody, you idiot, he's referring to an ACTUAL EXPERIMENT done with rats (Studying social hierarchies across time) where THAT actually happened. I can't remember the name of the experiment but the IS, in fact, a thing that happened and was done to rats. You can probably find the experiment on YouTube. That's where I saw it.
Hym "But you're RIGHT! That's NOT what a rat king is. Very smart boy. But that IS a thing that was done in a rat experiment. You don't know what you're talking about."
Joanna: are you nigerian
her boyfriend: I aint no nigerian bush rat
A man shoves his balls, and only his balls, in a woman's pussy. The balls must be like the Amazon Rainforest and be hairy like fuck. Leave a sandpaper-like mark my guy!
Hey honey, wanna do some Rat Scratching?