Times in your life where you observe someones child out of control, acting out irrationally, throwing a fit or otherwise making you wish you didn't have kids (or glad you don't have them)
Wow, sitting on that 12 hour flight with that baby crying nonstop was a birth control moment for me!
bungus moment: referring to the act of acting like a bungus, or making others look like a bungus.
oh my god, stop making this such a bungus moment dude!
cannot be easily defined; must be felt in the moment; however, generally this is when a friend does or says something clumsy or absent-minded
*walking down street and hears girls’ laughter*
Noble: “Man they some laddies lassin’”
cannot be easily defined; must be a feeling
generally, this is when your friend does or says something clumsy or absent-minded
*walking down street*
Noble: “ Man they some laddies lassin’”
To have a sudden lapse of judgement; To do something very stupid; To have zero common sense
Hey are you okay?
Yeah, I was having a Shiang moment
A sexual act in which someone attempts to stimulate a woman's breasts to such a degree during sex that they begin lactating. Usually through sucking, biting or harsh pinching which end up.
I just got done fucking that girl man, I sucked her milkers so hard she had a cow moment!
When my homie Cole does something funny and/or stupid.
Jackson: Do you remember last night when Cole got hammered?
Lawrence: Yeah, and then he stood up and started yodeling on a table?
Jackson: Yeah.
Lawrence: That was a real Cole moment.