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stick your dick in a fan

Doing something that will do you absolutely no good. Synonymous with piss in the wind

Why would you go to the ATM, you don't have any money. You might as well stick your dick in a fan.

by Just Rhino April 12, 2017

stick a chick without the plastic

1. an urban slang term referring to having sex without a condom.
2. a type of cooking with chicken

"Did you stick that chick without the plastic?"
"Helll nah brah. I always wear a condom. I ain't tryin to be a baby daddy."

Also, National Stick a Chick Without the Plastic Day is celebrated every year on February 7.

by DurtyD22 February 7, 2011

Wikipedia Stick 'O' Death

A lump of wood a teacher uses to beat you when you use wikipedia as a reference for scool work

The teacher hit me with wikipedia stick 'o' death for using wikipedia as a reference on my school assignment

by DaShadows May 30, 2011

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pool stick dancing

durring a typical game of pool...
it is the act of breaking out in random fits of pole dancing,
using your pool stick as the pole.

RACHEL: oh shit, i just scratched, you know what would really make me feel better?
CATRINA(CJAYY): well really theres only one option, pool stick dance time!
RACHEL: yay!, i love pool stick dancing, i thought youd never ask...

by scoot scoot im cute January 3, 2009

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fuji apple sticks

fuck off. or shut up. or damn it

alexander: hey michael. hey michael. hey michael.

michael: shut the fuji apple sticks up!!!

by tsipis February 2, 2009

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peruvian bamboo sticks

a mixture of jenkem and cocaine, often cooked with llama spit and encased in rods of bamboo.

Michael: I'm into hard drugs, like blacktar heroine and Peruvian Bamboo Sticks.

by arielvh September 25, 2010

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stick up your ass

Describing some one very stern or strict. Often used to describe parents or authorities.

> Hey, are you going to the show tomorrow?
< No......
> Why not? They're only in town for a couple weeks.
< No, see, it's just my parents. The damn assholes have sticks up their asses!
> Oh that sucks.
< Yeah, tomorrow I'm going to one of them and say, "You know, you really have a stick up your ass." and they'll be like "Oh...."

by sam _ November 29, 2006

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