A modern dance, similar to the krump-style of brooklyn, in which the performer acts as if he/she is a wet dog that must dry himself.
Check out his krump style, but why's he shaking like a wet dog? ohhhhh...wet dog krump
When a man shoots cum into his own eye either during sleep or intercourse.
I had a wet wink last night. When I woke up I couldn't open my eye!
A derogatory term; the Wet Wink is someone who has committed an egregious social blunder or been hoodwinked by their friends in a playfully humiliating way.
Frano did a terrible job cooking those eggs. He's a real wet wink.
Cumming on a girls face then blasting her face with a hand full of powdered sugar.
Similar to antiquing.
I nailed this smokeshow the other night and when I pulled out, she let me nail her face with the old Wet Zeppole
Cumming on a girls face then blasting her face with a hand full of powdered sugar.
Similar to antiquing.
I nailed this smokeshow the other night and when I pulled out, she let me nail her face with the old Wet Zeppole
this is where you stick your finger in your ear and get a shit ton of ear wax on your finger, then shove your finger in someones mouth.
im gonna give you a wet willy...
~HA jokes on you because im gonna give you a reverse wet willy!
whats that??
~you'll see...
~muwahahha >:)
Similar to a “Wet Willy,” a Wet Melvin is the act of licking one’s hand and smearing it down someone’s face.
“I swear she’s gonna get a Wet Melvin if she keeps pissing me off”
“Giving him a Wet Willy would be too nice. He’s getting a Wet Melvin”