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1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale

A scale used for determining how hot a chick is. 1 is ugly as fuck, 10 is "I would destroy that pussy instantly". In some extreme cases, a girl can be below a 1, or above a 10.

Typically, you don't say "On the 1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale, that girl's a...". You just say what her number/rating is, and the scale is implied.

"Hey man, have you seen how hot Sally is?"
"Yeah, she's easily an 8".


"Aw gross, have you seen that bitch's face?!"
"Yeah, she's definitely a 2."

by holaquepasa56 October 2, 2016

1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale

How fuckable a woman is as a package, weighing her ugly traits against sexy ones.

Example: UFC fighter Bethe Correia. Her face looks like Javier Bardem in the movie No Country For Old Men, but her body and ass are a solid 10. She averages out to a 7.

- "Hey man, how would you rate Sandra at the office on the 1-10 Female attractiveness scale bra?"

- "She's ugly as shit but her ass is magnificent so she's like a 6 or 7 bra."

by HorsemeatSoufflé September 10, 2016

1-10 female attractiveness scale

How hot a girl is on a scale of one to ten...

Dang, that girl named cel is a 9 on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale

by MasterPin September 14, 2016

1-10 Female attractiveness scale

A method used by guys to distinguish a female attractiveness by giving them a number between 1 and 10. Ten been the highest attractive.

Vic: bruh! Look at that girl. In the blue leggings. What's your 1-10 Female attractiveness scale?

Dev:mmmmm 7.5

Vic: nah bruh. Look at that booty. 9.5
Dev: oh shit true. Lol

by J1022 September 26, 2016

September 1

The great day of goodness and sweetness

And joy happy birthday to all your summer babies ❤️And piece

Dang my birthday is September 1 I can’t wait to be lit epic you are you know what it is

by Reny Pooh December 10, 2019

September 1

The day where a funny mustache man decided to do some trolling and started one of the largest conflicts in history

Person 1: How did the war start?
Person 2: some guy with a funny mustache on September 1 decided to do some trolling and invaded Poland

by Utvnrebhevhfvng January 26, 2023

September 1

The day where a funny mustache man decided to do some trolling and started one of the largest conflicts in history

Person 1: How did the war start?
Person 2: some guy with a funny mustache on September 1 decided to do some trolling and invaded Poland

by Utvnrebhevhfvng January 26, 2023