When you eat too many salt and vinegar chips and your mouth is raw and sour.
I ate a whole bag of salt and vinegar chips and ended up with douche mouth.
A tow truck operator who thinks he knows everything but is actually an incompetent know it all idiot
Got my car towed last night, tow guy damaged my bumper.. what a fucking tow douche!
A karen who goes to a restaurant and asks for gluten free options
*ticket machine ringing*
Ticket says GF
Chef B: Oh fuck you, gluten douche!
a. Someone speaking in the native tongue of douche.
b. Someone associated with Lander & Lander & Douche.
c. Someone fitting the description of male being used a hygienic tool or just as a tool.
Hey there's Mary and her douche lander of the week. Yeah she used like a condom and threw him away.
When a crowd of four-five douche bags are isolated from a crowd, (with the exception of a couple of outsiders) and are trying to "show off", impress somebody, or are just being plain douchey.
Bob, Steve, Peter, John, and Vincent are playing basketball and keep trying to hit three pointers, but they're totally failing. Don't get me started on the way Peter tripped while doing a layup trying to impress Sheila. Can you say douche-a-palooza?
The most nauseating of the douche population; a total loser, totally lame, commonly seen within a 20 mile radius of your local Waffle House.
That douche waffle made me so sick, or was it the Awful House meal I ate earlier?
1. A Belgian waffle topped with a drizzle of the remaining contents of a douche bag.
2. That cheese dick mother fucker whom cuts you off in traffic, honks horn, drives too slow, or just plain looks like a assjacker. (i.e. Harris of kades)
Mmmm. A douche waffle sure would hit the spot right at this very moment...said nobody ever. Or, people who shoot 14 year old kids are douche waffles.