A milk supplier commonly known as your dad, could never supply the milk he said he was going to get. Therefor never returned with the milk. MS or milk supplier is often used as a nickname for peoples absent fathers.
In my contacts I put my fathers name as
Milk Supplier ( MS ), bc he left…
The act of inserting an individual’s erect penis into the penis of another’s (erect or flaccid) while ejaculating. Usually performed in order to transfer semen into an individual who is running low or for pleasure purposes.
Jim: “Hey Tom, I didn’t cum last night when I had an orgasm what do I Do? “
Tom: “ Do you need a milk funnel?”
1) An unaffordable-to-most electric vehicle comprising of fake leather seats and the uncanny resemblance of an upside-down bathtub with a small TV where that taps should be.
2) A Tesla Model 3
Watch out Jeremy, there's another Chelsea milk float silently trying to mow you down.
Hey Jeeves, those Chelsea milk floats are getting more common in the city than a Prius or stepping in dogshit in the 80s.
1) An unaffordable-to-most electric vehicle comprising of fake leather seats and the uncanny resemblance of an upside-down bathtub with a small TV where that taps should be.
2) A Tesla Model 3
Watch out Jeremy, there's another Chelsea milk float silently trying to mow you down.
Hey Jeeves, those Chelsea milk floats are getting more common in the city than a Prius or stepping in dogshit in the 80s.
A Canadian Milk Bag is when you purée man gravy and diarrhea, suck it up with a mini turkey baster and drop a tad in your whiskey lovin’ friends finest bottle of bourbon. If they have a whiskey bar, dose up every single bottle. Not too much though, you don’t want them to notice. You must be able to repeat this task over and over again until they die. Why you ask? Because we all know that Canadians make the best whisky. This also works for tequila.
Tonight I’m going over my friend Mikes house. If he starts making my ears bleed about his fuckin’ whiskey collection, I’m gonna Canadian Milk Bag his whole bar. Hey, I never said I was a good friend.
A conversation between two or more white people about something related to hood culture
David: “My glock is fantastic because it’s made of plastic.”
Marcus: “Do you mean my Glock 17 Gen4 with green laser sights?”
David: “No, I’m talking about the Glock In my ‘Rari.”
Laura, watching from the side: “That was a milk disaster.”