When your cross necklace repeatedly smacks a girl in the face as you’re having sex
Her mom thinks I’m a nice boy cause I wear a cross… she don’t know I’m gonna be Jesus bagging her daughter with that cross later.
😱:Jesus JD Velazquez Rodriguez Is The Leader Of Latin Count, Kings, Queens, And Latinx
Fat shit who doesn't do there homework and watches tik tok during his class and smells like are pit. And also doesn't brush there teeth
"Did you go to jesus Juarez' house" "yah" "how did you survive" "I just was holding my breath " "dam I got to try that"
Jesus did cum in his time he had cum 3000 times as soon as he was born.
I was watching Jesus Cumming
Christian rock performed in a megachurch (often by dudes whose 80's hair bands didn't make it big).
She's all into Jesus jazz and bible study.
XXXTentacion sandals:
Leather (Designer) Sandals with 3 straps and hook up to your ankle
Wow, XXXTentacion has the best Louis Vuitton Jesus sandals ON EARTH🌎
PWLJ is an abbreviation for Pretty Women Love Jesus and can be used when one female believer agrees with another
The gorgeous girl over there agrees with my statement. She is very pretty, pretty women love Jesus