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Cock Pocket

A word that is just another word for pussy.

Me to my non-existent gf: Yo babe can I stick my dick in your Cock Pocket.
My non-existent gf: Yes, give me your pimp stick.
Me to my friends: omwtfmgf.

by AnonymousNut March 13, 2018

Cock Pocket

this is the new age phrase for bagina, synonym for vagina

"Dude! Did you see that girl at the bar?? I bet her cock pocket is of an average size and stature!"

by Lewisville Slugger December 30, 2025

Potato Pussy Pocket

A hill made of kitten.


Potato -> potus, Old German meaning pile
Pussy -> puss, Middle English meaning domestic cat
Pocket-> poku, Aramaic meaning filled (with)

Well we lost the litter and threw all that kitten in the potato pussy pocket.

by squirrelbouquet April 26, 2021

Potato Pussy Pocket

A hill made of kitten.


Potato -> potus, Old German meaning pile
Pussy -> puss, Middle English meaning domestic cat
Pocket-> poku, Aramaic meaning filled (with)

Well we lost the litter and threw all that kitten in the potato pussy pocket.

by squirrelbouquet April 26, 2021

Pocket Nazi

One who rigorously (and possibly violently) checks pockets before washing clothing. Especially that of Jews.

Steve is such a Pocket Nazi every fuckin' wash day! I told him they were empty, but he insisted.

by ThRob69 April 3, 2013