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Old Head

No one on here knows what an old head is clearly. An old head is not disrespectful, in fact it is a form of respect for your older generation. Old head means what it is, the head is older, therefore, they are wiser. You listen to your "old heads" because they know best, and have had many experiences in life with that old head to gain the wisdom they have to offer.

That's just my old head trying to teach me some things. He tends to ramble, but since he's an old head, he actually says a lot of valuable things. Although I often don't listen to my old head, because I am younger and hard headed, but I know my old head has the best intentions when he's trying to guide me from making the same mistakes he did. That's why I always respect and do my best to listen to Old Heads' wisdom.

by The_Truth_In_Life_Spoken May 4, 2024

Old Head

A black man over the age of 60. Typically a basketball player in a LA Fitness court.

“Yo Dave your dad is such an old head”
“I know, he’s crazy good at shooting

by T bone November 13, 2022

rolling old ladies

Robbing the elderly

Where did you get all of these watches?

‘I was rolling old ladies for them!’

by Mijopod December 18, 2017

Old Gooberette

An Old Gooberette is a female individual who is cranky and 60 years or older. Old Bitch

She's such an old bitch. Hey that's what happens when your an Old Gooberette.

by Moody Mama January 1, 2016

Eat at the Old Country Buffet

Eating ass.

Brock was about to go down on Amber, but then he flipped her over and decided to eat at the Old Country Buffet.

by Mapppy84 May 10, 2023

ODH (Old Dick Head) Syndrome

Usually occurs in men 65 or older.
Symptoms include:
- Wearing of cargo shorts, Skechers and New Balance shoes. -Food stains on all shirts. -The uncontrollable urge to share medical conditions with total strangers. -A sudden, frozen gaze. Mouth agape(drool sometimes present) as if they have no freaking idea of where they are. -Experts on all things: Politics, driving directions,grilling, etc. -Often forget why they are in the bathroom.

ODH wives usually die before them, out of pure desire.

This leads to the ODH usually being found dead, due to starvation, in filthy clothing.

If you suspect you are near an ODH: Don't make eye contact. Never, ever ask, "How ya doin'?"

"That guy told me about his bowel movements for 20 minutes. He must have ODH (Old Dick Head) Syndrome"

by The Natrona Jackhammer July 16, 2024

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day old crimp

slang for a sassy asshole

Kevin and Austin are acting like a couple of day old crimps right now.

by schoenleber7 February 23, 2014