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Good Morning Banche

guhd-moore-neen bon-ch

Old dirty trick having a girls parents on the phone while you make her yell things during intercourse. Like fuck me, im a whore, your my daddy, etc. Then give her the phone after your done and she says hello and its her parents.

Old dirty trick having a girls parents on the phone while you make her yell things during intercourse. Like fuck me, im a whore, your my daddy, etc. Then give her the phone after your done and she says hello and its her parents.

by phil anselmo November 30, 2004

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Good Christian Bitches

1) Any group of female hypocrites. Good Christian Bitches don't necessarily have to be Christian. I'm looking at you Zenobia.

2) see also Southern Belle

1) These good Christian bitches are drunk and making a lot of noise in the backyard after the baseball game.

2)My friend Leroy banged a lot of good Christian bitches when he came home off the GI Bill. There was nothing HQ could do.

by major_delmac March 29, 2011

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good cough you

An expression used after someone coughs. Same meaning as "Bless you" except used for a cough.

"Good cough you!," he said after I coughed.

by Webster New World Dictionary September 23, 2004

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slaves are hella good

niggers who are just generally cool and do your work

me and my child think slaves are hella good

by Sus gang boiis get on my level April 6, 2019

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me head no good

Im havin a bad day

Head no good mon waz out all night drinkin innit

by Rastafarai August 11, 2003

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whats really good

whats up

whats really good wit you?

by Justine June 19, 2003

21๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

good service

when you get on your knee's and fuck a girls mouth so hard she cries and then pass's out

bend over slut, heres some good service

by johnny 2 fingers 60 February 16, 2011

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