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999 GANG

The Worlds best team of Ghost peaking, Exploiting, Crying when loosing, Gta RP wannabe Gangsters.

Yo how is that 999 GANG member walking while dead?

by Professor Facts July 1, 2024

“”the gang””

the groupchat for the best of the best of pale waves stans.

“”the gang”” is so full of love

by vingah February 24, 2019

compass gang

a legitimate crew consisting of tycoonwiththebling and slime999ine
"new wave artists into rock/trap".

i really wanna feature compass gang.

by tycoonwiththebling July 22, 2020

douchebag gang

The group of guys at lunch that play football You would call them the f Boi squad but the can't get anyone They have tried to flex on you and flirt with you multiple times (probably all of them likes that thot who laughs at there bad jokes)

Ugh here comes the douchebag gang

by lugrayay May 1, 2019

pull down gang

Slang for a guy who is uncircumcised, causing him to pull down his skin. Therefore he is part of the Pull Down Gang.

All those uncircumcised are part of this gang.

Girl 1 “He’s nice and all but he’s uncircumcised
Girl 2 “Tough that means he’s part of the Pull Down Gang

by Shidy June 11, 2018

Rat Gang Nation

Awesome YouTube Channel

Sub to Rat Gang Nation

by Branabella October 24, 2019

Dab Gang

This phrase means a group of five people who all dab and congregate together at Mexican restaurants... Preferably with tequila shots.

This gang will hangout and roam the streets at night without actually doing anything. Within the gang, there is typically a korean, a moodi, and a hungarian dude who thinks he is funny. But he is not.


If you see a Dab Gang coming, stay clear!

Person 1: Wow! Did you see that Dab Gang?

Person 2: Yeah! I wish I could hang out with them!

by sebastian22 May 28, 2018