get your magnetic poo right now for $2.18 singapore dollars
only available at selected Daiso stores in singpost or parkway parade
woah! look at that magnificent magnetic poo!
Get off me you poo poo pee pee butt butt brain!!!!!!!
The act of forcing solid waste out of the anus while holding hands with your best buddy. If constipation occurs it is your best buddys responsibility to remove the blockage from your anus. The act of holding hands with your best buddy why pooping can bring currage to the unblocking of the anus relieving tremendous amounts of pain.
Poo-Opping can also strengthen emotional bonds and friendships between best buddys.
Curtis: "Hey dude I have an issue, it appears my anal cavity is blocked by brown solid waste, can we poo-opp together?
Charles:" Sure bro I got u best buddy"
(I would like to mention these names are random and have nothing to do with my personal data and if you possible please do not include text in brackets to defenition, thank you.)
a. When you or a new partner suggest a shower or some sexual adventure and the other partner doesn't seem very excited about it. You may wonder if they aren't that into you, or not that into your sexy idea, when it turns out that they just had to poo and were too shy to say anything.
b. when you are too close to having a poo that sex doesn't seem like a good idea
The morning after the first sleepover, BJ suggested that they take a shower and he would wash her back, then they could crawl back in bed. She was quiet for a minute and didn't seem very excited about the idea. He wondered if she wasn't so into him or didn't want him. After an awkward silence, she said she had to go poo and didn't want to stink up the only bathroom where the shower was. He wondered how many people get poo blocked when a candle and an extra 30 minutes would fix the problem.
What Adam did on the 19:30 virgin train from London to Glasgow
"I've just had a reasonably large poo and there is no toilet roll left on the @virgintrains 19.30 train from Euston to Glasgow pls send help."
When you have changed your babies nappy/diaper and then they immediately fill it again
I swear I’ve just changed that nappy/diaper... it’s like Deja poo!