Usually in reference to extremely obese women who have to go everywhere on mobility scooters
person 1: hey look over there at that fat lady
person 2: oh jeez bud thats Two Ton Tanya right there!
When a little boy by the name of Steven get high as a kite from two tokes of mid grade cannabis.
Hey! Look it’s Stevie Two Toke, he got so high from two pulls yesterday! Let’s chuck bricks at him
A pattern or history of short term relationships normally lasting less than two years.
Hey man, ya boy and ol' girl ain't kickin' it no more...guess he's up for his "new every two"...
An absolute lad usually by the name of Aaron typically who will easily stretch to a cheeky 'double Maccies' once in a while. He wouldn't dream of turning down a beer or six at a party because well... He is just Abba. Doesn't mind spending a few quid to satisfy his hunger, no matter how large the meal is. Abba is just a lad who will take no shit yet is a very loveable and best friend to the people he cares about most.
"That Abba Two Meals is getting his fill again"
《¤》Angel 《¤》Jose《¤》 Robles《¤》 Is 《¤》Thing《¤》 One《¤》 And 《¤》Todd《¤》 Aaron 《¤》Brotze 《¤》Is《¤》 Thing《¤》 Two《¤》
Satisfactory mark at University. Enough to get a job and live, and shit, and stuff.
"I rather preffer a Two Point One instead of a First-class degree"