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Moonlight Moment

The process of gaining a major achievement and instantly losing it because of an unfortunate mistake, error or lapse in judgement.

Hundreds of students thought they were admitted to Harvard, but it turned out to be a Moonlight moment.

by carpenoctem15 February 27, 2017

bee moment

bee moment is two things: no .1; thats cool!!1! no.2; ok and

number 2 is used if you hate the person


dude i just got a new pc

bee moment dude

im gonna go biking tomorrow

bee moment

by bee_lover122 May 14, 2021

ARGHeka moments!

eureka moment: the moment of a sudden unexpected discovery.

argh: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration.

ARGHeka moments!: what a pirate says to express annoyance, dismay, embarrassment or frustration about eureka moments.

"ARGHeka moments!" - says a pirate

by Pseudonymthewild@gmail.com March 14, 2013

Epic gamer moment

When a gamer has an epic gamer moment, there is no better feeling. Like a three piece with the sniper on BO4. Like asking a girl that's out of your league on a date and she accepts. EPIC!

Random gamer: That's an epic gamer moment

by An_epic_gamer_xD July 12, 2019

Epic Gamer Moment


"Have you seen this Epic Gamer Moment?"
"No, where do I find the best one?"
"Right here: www.twitch.tv/mrmoowo"

by qtSparrow January 8, 2021

Epic Gamer Moment

A psychotic and often retarded act, that has been done in a way that video gamers—who are often psychotic, due to prolonged internet culture exposure—tend to goon and praise as good and based, when in reality, it’s morally questionable, and oftentimes abhorrent to those who have a functioning frontal lobe.

Historian: “Ho Chi Minh killed thousands of actually innocent people, due to an edict he made during the war...”

Terminally online HOI4 player: “Well, that was certainly an epic gamer moment from Vietnam.”

Historian: “He later made a public apology, idiot.”

by luigimario1997 June 13, 2024

Epic Gamer Moment

A moment where the home bois clutch up the ranked game by only going fuze and lion.

You: Bro I just aced with Finka!
Me: That's an Epic Gamer Moment.

by bruhboisquiddy October 23, 2020