A sexual act involving one partner ejaculating on the other partner’s teeth, then making them brush their teeth with the semen.
Person 1: “Dude, did you hear about how this lady got George Washingtoned by her boyfriend?”
A George Washinton is when you cum on a girls teeth and force her to brush it in.
"Omg Barbera, Fred made me do a George Washington last night"
ive saw his ghost in the white house
dumb 1: watch out george washington there
dumb 2: rly
A sexual act where while you're fucking a girl in the ass put wooden teeth on and right before you cum pull your dick out then say "give me liberty or give me death!" then put a $1 bill on her face and cum all over it , then say "bitch you just got George Washingtoned!"
See known definition: Sex Definition
I just gave her the George Washington last night and she was very pleased of liberty
The 1st ever United States president.
"Who is the first ever United States president?"
" Idk? "
"bro u stupid its George Washington"
Did you see that guy with the horse cock it’s just like George Halliday
George Kennedy is such a dick and can go khs. He is a player and no girl deserves him. His dog will die because it ran across the road and it was his fault.
Girl 1: ew looks it’s George Kennedy
Girl 2: ugh he is sick a dick