every night he sneaks into the hospital ward for old people and steals the bedpans, he then takes the pee and smeers it on his face as he considers it an elixir of youth.
me: you look pretty young daniel george calvert
daniel george calvert: thanks to old people
He is one of my friends who comes from da Honky DOnky. He luv his meht and his main follower is mr aryan bansal who would even sug his dig to get some meth. George zhu also plays the violin/viola (same thing) and he has very tasty gochu.
George zhu has a tasty gochu
A statue of the first President of The United States George Washington carving a statue of Darwin the monkey
Man that George Washington Carver is HOT!
College Georges Charkpak is a shitty middle school in Brindas, Lyon, France with the most stupid people. There are a lot of fights for the stupidest reasons. All those the food there is good don’t be fooled there are hairs on the bread and the yogurt has teeth in it. DON’T GO TO THAT SCHOOL.
College Georges Charpak is the shittiest place you will ever go to.
Beats his sister and his ping is always 800
George Botros: Why is my ping 800 omg I’m deleting this gMs
King George also known as the "Dirty George" is located in northeast Virginia, you have to cross a bridge over La Plata to get there. It is 50% white, 30% black and 20% latina, asian.etc. People be bored and so many do shit like rob people, smoke, and jack cars. The cops are mostly racist and so are the teachers. There are rappers here but most of them are trash and there is only about 5 good ones, a lot of people who are related to real niggas claim gangs that they aint even around also.
Nigga you from da King George, VA ??
- I mean shitt...
You hear bout da lick they just hit up in the dirty George???
Named after invincible super human. Only a handful have tried his strength and I am one of them. so I pass this message on. Pray and think that you will never be as good as he is. Therefore, consider using these words only for the most pressing. He comes from the birthplace of the Liberec gods. (Jiřího Super Robotické Tělo) in language of gods
„You are so good. You must have The George's Super Robotic Body?“