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Suck and smoke

a dildo that has a built in weed holder so you can suck the dildo while smoking weed later

Hey did you buy the new suck and smoke

by stroke and smoke January 4, 2022

Suck koens pp day

July 5th

Person 1: Its July 5th!!!
Person 2: what does that mean?
Person 1: It's means it's Suck koens pp day!!

by Kokobro101 July 2, 2022


The present tense participle of sucking up. Or the act of multiple suck ups

All the suck-uppery was getting a bit much for Nicola and she whipped him in return!

by WordallySmart January 24, 2019

Sucked the biscuit

A sports reference when you were favored to win and then fell way short and lost.

They should have won but they really sucked the biscuit.

by Jimothy the C January 18, 2022

half sucked jube

Some one who is a halfwit wandering aimlessly

What are you up to Rani, your walking around like a half sucked jube

by Rani Bopori January 30, 2018

Suck a dick

An insult used to go tell someone that they suck.

Person 1: HAHA! My grades are ten times higher than your IQ!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Person 2: Aw, fuck you, go SUCK A DICK.
Person 1: *Dies from cringe

If you keep on thinking your insults are good when they're really not, you should go suck a dick.

by sadfasdfasdfsadfasdf June 13, 2022

Suck a dick

When you suck a dick. Used as offensive phrase. Used as uhhhh some other shit.

Suck a dick, Lucas. Oh fuck you, go suck a dick Lucas. Lmao man go fucking suck a dick bro!

by 69Xx_Non_Gay_Dick_Sucker_xX69 July 20, 2023