An extension of " suck my dick "
You want me to do what?!?!!! Suck my dick in Macy's window.
Something that is created by two or more people that is awful.
I heard your bands new album. You produced a real suck baby..
Unfortunately, our group project turned out to be a suck baby.
Every year on October 1 you have to suck your homies dick or loved one
Hey David you know its international suck dick day right -zip- now suck
it just sucks, every one agreed it sucks, F-, so now i belive it sucks
the legend of zelda: four swords sucks, i want breath of the wild
An insult used to go tell someone that they suck.
Person 1: HAHA! My grades are ten times higher than your IQ!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Person 2: Aw, fuck you, go SUCK A DICK.
Person 1: *Dies from cringe
If you keep on thinking your insults are good when they're really not, you should go suck a dick.
When you suck a dick. Used as offensive phrase. Used as uhhhh some other shit.
Suck a dick, Lucas. Oh fuck you, go suck a dick Lucas. Lmao man go fucking suck a dick bro!