A term created by shelovesF1 on TikTok and this is the monegasque god Charles Leclerc winking on the podium as the camera is focused on him.
Friend : “ Did you see Charles on the podium”
Me: “No, why”
Friend : “Lets just say the Charles effect 2.0 was in full swing”
The Internet Amplification Effect is the effect the internet has on certain individuals and on society at large of taking traits that are within the person or society in question and, when exposed to the internet on site comment sections or forums, amplifies those traits to extremes.
Steve in real life is a political moderate, but when on the internet due to the Internet Amplification Effect he becomes a radical.
A narcissistic, dramatic, attention seeking, pathological liar, scandalous, opportunistic, person who not only embodies but has mastered every single clinical trait that defines a Narcissist. A person who uses others to get ahead, chews them up, spits them out. This lunatic of a person projects upon their victims the same disturbing character flaws that they use to destroy these very same victims and then use smear campaigns to manipulate others perceptions of who is the villain and who is the victim....most confuse the victim with the villain but don't be fooled. Best advice is to look for these traits and when you recognize them in an individual understand that The Jason Mayer Effect is a birth defect that can't be cured and run. These people cannot be rehabilitated for their is no cure.
Oh no! He is tucking his Weiner in his buttcheeks again...begging for attention by trying to fit in with the Trans community...how insulting ......must be plagued with The Jason Mayer Effect !!!
"That ugly as fuck white man in the heels best quit fucking my man before he gets his wannabe gender bender ass beat."
The effect Shane (and other content creators, but Shane is the best example) has had on the current generation. How children learned from a young age that self-deprecating humor makes people laugh. (ex: pointing at a trash can and saying "me haha") and has caused many people to actually believe less of themselves. The child didnt have to actualy watch shane dawson, but could have gotten the behavior from someone else who did watch Shane.
person 1: I'm so lazy and fat lol #relatable
person: 2: did you happen to watch Shane Dawson as a kid?
person 3: It looks like you're suffering from the Shane Dawson effect, are you okay?
When you buy new cushions but fail to realize it doesn’t matter what the cushions look like and sometimes regretting getting rid of the old cushions.
Man the new cushion effect is really getting to him
Term used to refer to someone who has been fired from their job.
Person 1: Where's Ed? I haven't seen him.
Person 2: Oh, you didn't hear? He's an Effective Last Friday.
Person 1: Bummer.
when a man mentions that their balls are itchy over text, it results in everyone's balls itching (even women aren't safe)
person 1: "arghh my balls itch!"
person 2: "my balls are starting to itch too!!"
person 3: "a classic case of the itchy sphera effect"