a complete utter waste of time that brainwashed kids. all the 12 year old cant shut the fuck up about it, and their diss to anything involves fortnite. smfh kids these days
yo want to hang out after school?
child: yeah we can hang on fortnite
lose my fucking number infant boi
the definition of fortnite is spraying and praying with drumguns
fortnite is gay and people spam
The game that used to be popular until certain things happened.
Person: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Fortnite sucks because of all those things they did to it.
Fortnite Battle Royale is a free-to-play battle royale video game developed and published by Epic Games. It is way over rated and Kids ages 7-12 play it.
Jimmy: lets play Fortnite
Frank: Fuck Fortnite
Jimmy: why
Frank: because its dumb and your dad won't come back
Some out of nowhere game that taking over the following games:
H1Z1, PUBG, Minecraft Hunger games, Rust “something”
Don’t forget the following ROBLOX rip-offs:
Prison Royale
Island Royale
Some other game that copied Prison Royale
ALSO Fortnite copied PUBG that copied H1Z1 and that copied Minecraft hunger games finally that copied rust “ something”
Fortnite will become dead soon. Don’t worry!
Kid: lmao play f0rtn1te Naow!11!!
Me: What. No. Fortnite is cancer..
A game played by boys, there girlfriends hate it because they play it to much and it’s shit.