Source Code

Texas water Bomb

When a Female Squirts into a Balloon, then use it as a water balloon, normally Practiced in the state of texas.

"Man i got hit by another Texas Water bomb, they are really getting popular"

by Sami Harb May 20, 2010

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Bomb The Music Industry!

A ska musical collective from New York, known for showing up drunk to their shows but still being fucking amazing.

I spent 25 bucks for this BTMI ticket, and Jeff showed up drunk. Fuck BTMI, I hate life.(bomb the music industry!)

by Ghangis24 September 14, 2008

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Irish Car Bomb

A cocktail made of Guinness Stout, Irish Whiskey, and Bailey's Irish Cream.

The key to the Irish Car Bomb is to drink it very quickly before the Bailey's reacts with the acidity of the stout, causing it to curdle (essentially turning it into cheese). The result makes the cocktail very unpleasant to finish.

Start out with a glass of Guinness, or Guinness mixed with a shot of whiskey. Then paying close attention to time lapsed, drop a shot glass full of Irish Cream, or Whiskey and Irish Cream into the glass. Chug.

The Irish Car Bomb is very filling and is recommended to consume it early during a night of drinking, as opposed to late.

I love turning drinking into a sport, so I ordered an Irish Car Bomb.

by Anonymongo November 9, 2006

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bombs over baghdad

n. a girl with really nice, big tits but the rest of her body is a mess. Similar to the butter face

look at the tits on that broad." "Yeah, but those are bombs over baghdad."

by itgods November 23, 2010

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Jewish Car Bomb

A drink ordered at a bar where the cheapest shot is ordered and then dropped into a glass with the cheapest beer in it, and then consumed, like an irish car bomb.

Ordering a Jewish Car Bomb at a bar and having a shot of Popov vodka and dropping it into a glass of PBR

by vantage39 June 23, 2009

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Lansing Letter Bomb

Creative encore to the Des Moines Dip. During a blowjob, pull out the girl's lower lip (like a mailbox) and blow your load between the cheek and gumline. Then, before she can spit or swallow, smack her in the face hard enough to simulate an explosion.

"Hey Lindsay, what the hell happened to your face?"
"Oh, my boss gave me a Lansing Letter Bomb for Secretary's Day."

by Ziper November 14, 2007

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Spinach Vomit-bomb

A type of hors d'oeuvres that either comes in a frozen package in the supermarket or is made at a banquet facility for weddings or similar functions. Quite often, the banquet facility gets these nasty little shits from those same supermarket frozen packages. The Spinach Vomit-bomb is a wretched piece of flimsy dough packed with the nastiest, most dried out spinach that tastes more like something you might scrape out of your pool when you reopen it. Typically used more as ammunition (see Assembly-safe Shuriken), these pieces of unforgivably disgusting shit can usually be found in piles on serving trays by the time cocktail hour expires.

Jim: "God, I was almost hungry enough to eat a few of those Spinach Vomit-bombs they were serving."

Jack: "Glad you didn't, now we have more ammo to pelt Aunt Rose and Uncle Dave with."

by JustAnotherGuy March 15, 2010

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