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Icey Mike

1.When an icicle is used like a dildo.
2.When an icicle is stuck in the vagina or asshole unexpectedly.

1.The icey mike was fine for a minute, until my vagina became numb from the cold.
2.An icey mike in the ass, is a no-fail alarm clock.

by Popeye1921 May 13, 2015

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icey salazar

A sexual act in which the male grabs a large amount of ice water while in the doggy style position and pours it surprisingly on the female. The result is a clenching sensation around the males penis. Preferably done seconds before ejaculation.

Hey yo man. I gave that one girl who works at the sheriff department an Icey Salazar last night, damn near ripped my dick off when I busted my nut.

by Spyderclymb June 16, 2017

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Icey Mike

Filling a condom up with water, much in the same style as a water baloon, freezing it and then using it for insertion, either on ones self or on another.

"My girlfriend loves playing with ice cubes, so I made an icey mike to really get her going..."

by defonezers February 22, 2007

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icey b

1. the most beautiful eyes you will ever see, ever.

2. the only girl with the soul to match them.

one day i am going to marry my icey b.

by n January 30, 2004

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a mixture of ice tea and lemonade
originally called a "Arnold Palmer"

oh dude i could totally go for some icey-tade

by cafateria March 29, 2009

Icey Wolf

An epic musician. Beethoven been real quiet since his music dropped. Unfortunately, he's furrist :(

Person 1: Bro icey wolf makes BANGERS
Person 2: Yass

by Kkiwi December 4, 2021


A wonderful amazing man who does boyfriend asmr

"bro have you seen icey asmr's video it got me emotional"

by dogshitter69 May 26, 2023