Since Hebrew and Greek letters have numerical equivalents (i.e., A=1, 6=2, J=10), the number of the beast (666) is the sum of the separate letters of his name. Of countless explanations, the most probable is Neron Caesar (in Hebrew letters), which, if spelled without the final n, also accounts for a variant reading, 616.
Nero was the Roman Emperor from 54-68 AD. The book of “Revelations,” originally a Hebrew/Jewish book written about 66 AD, was plagiarized by Christians, who added stuff about Jesus at the beginning and end.
New Testament ‘scholars’ erroneously/deliberately mistranslate the classical Greek word charagma as ‘mark' rather than money. Look the word up in the unabridged Greek lexicon by H.B. Liddell and see the correct, in context translation is money.
In 66 AD, the Jews revolted against the Romans and coined their own money. Therefore, the “Revelation” is: “Nero the Beast’s money is evil and our Jewish money is good.”
Another related word for "Money" not translated correctly in the New Testament is “Mammon”. “Mammon” is an Aramaic word for money (Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics 1951, sv, “Mammon.”). The classical Greek word philarguron, mistranslated as “covetousness” in some New Testament bibles, at Luke 16:14 and as “money” In 1 Timothy 6:10, means fond of silver. Silver was the money of Christ’s day hence, Luke 16, in context reads, “You cannot serve God and money (mammon): you’ll either love the one and hate the other ... the Pharisees (Jews) who loved money (philarguron), heard all this and scoffed.”
"No one buys or sells without the MONEY of the beast on/in mind/hand. . . This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666" (Rev. 13:16-18).
55👍 28👎
Contrary to popular belief 666 is not the number of the Beast.
A fragment from the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament, dating to the Third century, gives the more mundane 616 as the mark of the beast.
Dumbass satanic poser: 666! Hail Satan!!
Real Satanist: No, you dumb fuck, its really 616.
124👍 89👎
Most commonly known as the numbers for satan it is also the numbers you press to text the word 'mom'. So children. Watch out for your mothers. They're secretly satan. 666
44 666 = Hi mom
"666 is satan you idiot"
"No it's the numbers you press to get mom."
28👍 16👎
666 was a number used in the book of revealtions to symbolise the number of the beast, it is also refered to as the letters of someone’s name or title, identifying the Antichrist.
This is all bull crap because when you study into the bible you don't take things as literal as fundamentlists and noobs. Because of incorrect translations the original number 616 was accidently reformed into the number 666 in the newer texts. During the origins of the apocalyptic writings, the romans were still in power and because of this The emperors were noted for their oppression of both Jews and early Christians. Both communities were known to use numerology, codes and symbols when living under Roman rule to avoid persecution and they according to the translation of 616 the name came up to be 'NERO' a roman emperor, other than this the term 'beast' and can only refer to a Roman emperor, specifically known as Domitian, and also because he had reigned during the proposed time of origin of the Apocalyptic writings, in addition his nickname beast was wideley known by the Romans, Greek, Christians and Jews.
31👍 22👎
NOT the number of Satan.
IS the number of impurity.
WILL NOT make you look cool, smart, interesting, or hip in any way.
WILL make you look like a fucking idiot.
Many people say that 666 is the number of Satan because that is what they say in the Book of Revelations. However, the Book of Revelations is purely symbolic and is not meant to be interpreted otherwise. The Bool of Revelation was written in code as letters to other Christians. 666=the Roman dictator Nero. Christians believed him evil, and he was, because of the bloody and grotesques persecutions of Christians that he did.
Also 999 upside down.
Idiot: I'm gonna write 666 on my backpack to make me look cool.
Idiot #2: *standing on a street corner with a Bible in hand and is as high as a kite* 666 is the number of the Devil!!!!!!!
Me: No it's not.
Idiot #2: Yes it is!
Me: And you know this because.........?
Idiot #2: It's in the Bible!
Me: *sighs* 666 was meant to represent the Roman dictator Nero, b/c early Christians found him evil.
Idiot #2: AHHHHHH!!!!!!! Devil worshipper!!! Jezabel! You are trying to make me think! AHHHH!!!!!
Me: SMH okay. You might wanna go make to school and lay off the crack for a while.
19👍 15👎
A generic positive integer between 665 and 667.
Come on, people. 666 is a fucking number!
23👍 19👎
Just a number. People are scared of it for no particular reason. I really don't know what's all this hype about it being the Beast's number. Seriously, crazy people these days.
666 comes before 667 and after 665.
23👍 19👎