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scuffed sussy

An adjective used to denote a total lack of belief. Only really cool people use this phrase.

Tim: "Yo what do you think of Thomas?"
Gerard: "Honestly, most of what that guy says is scuffed sussy bro, no cap."

by r3ub July 2, 2021

20👍 1👎

scuffed stream

A livestream that is plagued with issues.

Did you watch Athena yesterday? Her mic kept messing up and she was dropping frames all over the place, it was a pretty scuffed stream.

by Kappaa May 11, 2019

meat scuffing

The method 'forgetting' the lubrication but going ahead and trying to force anal sex anyway.

"I wanna give my bird anal tonight but we are out of lube, guess I'm going to be meat scuffing again"

by Laguna1970 April 29, 2008

Scuf Controller

A gaming controller with extra paddles/buttons, grip, and thumb sticks with the main purpose of being able to do in game things like, jump, switch weapons without lifting your thumbs from the sticks. Any controller like this is a scuf controller. The best brand of these are from SCUF.

Guy 1: yo bro what controller u use?
Guy 2: I’m on a scuf controller bro

by Poopmer7 January 4, 2021

scuffed cunt

Connor Ruthven.

Connor is a scuffed cunt, he just is.

by Monoceli May 17, 2019

Super Scuffed

Basically if you smell like shit and are named Brady.

Brady is super scuffed.

by bjfeelsgoodman September 26, 2019

scuffing the chimp

a term for male masturbation

"Not answering the phone...he must be scuffing the chimp"

by snoutliketrout January 6, 2010