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ཌ₴Ø₣ད Singapore Special Operations Force

ཌ₴Ø₣ད, also known as Singapore Special Operations Force is a c grade (clan) led by the Supreme Leader ཌ₴Ø₣ད Lee Hsien Loong in Discord. It is the first and only one justice c grade that ever exists in Discord. The Supreme Leader treats every clan member well. They help peoples who get nuked to rebuild and also revenge if possible. They are also receiving requests of nukes on raids on others.

Union Empire of Chinese Singapore | 新华联盟帝国

Angel of Spade (AoS)
Empire of Japan
Republic of China (Taiwan)

John: What is ཌ₴Ø₣ད?
ཌ₴Ø₣ད Member: Its ཌ₴Ø₣ད Singapore Special Operations Force, the first and only one justice c grade that ever exists in Discord, the Supreme leader also treats every clan member well
John: Ah ok, who can I DM to get an invite to it?
ཌ₴Ø₣ད Member: Our Supreme Leader, ཌ₴Ø₣ད Masashi#4570

by Heil ཌ₴Ø₣ད! | ཌ₴Ø₣ད On Top November 10, 2021

1👍 1👎


All the keys in alt gr or option

Hehehee œåΩ∑ß≈´∂箃√†©∫¥˙˜¨∆µˆ˚ø¬π time-

by IAmNotHuman March 7, 2022

17👍 3👎


œåΩ∑ß≈´∂箃√†©∫¥˙˜¨∆µˆ˚ø¬π is written when you are bored to the max

im bored œåΩ∑ß≈´∂箃√†©∫¥˙˜¨∆µˆ˚ø¬π Friend damn you are bored

by 2steezed May 26, 2021

21👍 5👎


When you are so bored that you type the whole alphabet in caps while holding alt. Don't worry, I won't judge....

Ok I will do it for the second time: ÅıÇδϩӈÔ˚Ò˜Ø∏Œ®Í†¨√∑≈ÁΩ

I am bored ÅıÇδϩӈÔ˚Ò˜Ø∏Œ®Í†¨√∑≈ÁΩ

by diconnected September 13, 2022


WoW you actually spammed your keys while holding "alt" well, HOW THE HELL DID YOU SPAM THIS EXACT WORD HOLDING "ALT">

(you die in a video game) ©∆∂˙ø¨ˆ©˙∂ˆ¨¥©˙∂ˆ¨¥©˙ˆ∂¨ƒ∂¨˙ƒ∫∂ƒ while holding alt.

by f;dfgdfgdoyfgsuyfgsduyfgsuhvgb November 16, 2021


You have done it. you have maxed out on boredness

Person 1: qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolplmoknijbuhvygctfxrdzeswaqœ∑´®†¥¨ˆøπåß∂ƒ©˙∆˚¬Ω≈ç√∫˜µœåΩ∑ß≈´∂箃√†©∫¥˙˜¨∆µˆ˚ø¬ππ¬µø˚˜ˆ∆∫¨˙√¥©ç†ƒ≈®∂Ω´ß∑åœ

Person 2: *Fucking Dies*

by BurMei September 21, 2021

7👍 1👎

|1234567890+\§!"#¤%&/()=?`@£$€{[]]}´qwertyuiopåasdfghjkløæzxcvbnm<>*^~,.-;:_QWERTYUIOPÅASDFGHJKLØÆZXCVBNM`wè`r`t`yùìò`p`åà`s`d`f`g`h`j`k`l`ø`æ`z`x`c`v`b`n`m `Q`WÈ`R`T`YÙÌÒ`P`ÅÀ`S`D`F`G`H`J`K`L`Ø`Æ`Z`X`C`V`B`N`MtÿüïöäËÜÏÖĨMûîôâÛÎÔÂñ

For some reason you tried to write every single key on a scandinavian keyboard, you are bored and weird.

|1234567890+\§!"#¤%&/()=?`@£$€{}´qwertyuiopåasdfghjkløæzxcvbnm<>*^~,.-;:_QWERTYUIOPÅASDFGHJKLØÆZXCVBNM`wè`r`t`yùìò`p`åà`s`d`f`g`h`j`k`l`ø`æ`z`x`c`v`b`n`m `Q`WÈ`R`T`YÙÌÒ`P`ÅÀ`S`D`F`G`H`J`K`L`Ø`Æ`Z`X`C`V`B`N`MtÿüïöäËÜÏÖĨMûîôâÛÎÔÂñ is a word now.

by Synne.needs.a.more.creative.na November 24, 2022

12👍 2👎