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October 20th

People that are born on this day are lucky asf because they are born on the same day as a rapper snoop dogg

October 20th is a. holy day!!! holy shooooit that persons lucky asf she must be born on the same day as snoop dogg!

by yummy feet 222 November 3, 2019

October 20th

International "Send a booty pic" Day

"Yo bro i can't wait for October 20th to flex this fat ass on people"

by Crunchysoup October 21, 2021

October 20th

National Give your girlfriend a hoodie day!

Girl: Can I get your hoodie?
Boy: No!
Girl: But it’s October 20th

by Ur fruity October 19, 2021

October 20th


I LOVE MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY HOES anyways your boyfriend/girlfriend owns you 50 bucks if your birthday is on October 20th.

by urmomisgaylol12345 October 19, 2022

October 20th

That time of month where you spend time with your significant other all day. Don't forget about that hug and kiss.

I can not wait for October 20th

by JinxTrainer October 17, 2019

October 20th

A time where you spend your whole day with the one you love. Don't forget that kiss too.

I can't wait for October 20th.

by JinxTrainer October 17, 2019

october 20th

give your friend a hug day

friend 1: can i get a hug
friend 2: sure! it is october 20th

by 278955888djiughk October 20, 2021