Source Code

March 27th

The best people were born on this day

"When were you born"
"March 27th"
"No wonder your the best!"

by Angvil October 17, 2019

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

October 27th

Guys give girls there hoodie for 1 day. on October 27th girls get a guys hoodie that they HAVE TO wear the entire day. Boys Do it or u got a wittle itty bitty teeny tiny baby dick.

Brian gimme ur F***ING hoodie its October 27th and its chilly

by MiNeCrAfT.GoD69 October 18, 2019

72πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

february 27th

The birthday of the best god damn bass player in the entire god world.

Hey, don’t forget it’s February 27th!

by Heusg October 16, 2019

24πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

February 27th

The most beautiful and talented people were born this day. If you are one of these people, congrats!! You are the definition of perfection.

- I was born in February 27th.

- Whaaaat???? You are the most amazing person i’ve met!!!

by coketastelikeshit October 15, 2019

September 27th

National Eat Another Person’s Food Day

Jeff: It’s September 27th bro

by bobbyjeffjr September 26, 2018

79πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

October 27th

It’s national take your girl on a spooky date

Person 1: hey it’s October 27th
Person 2: yeah! We should go on a spooky date

by Cute patootie October 28, 2019

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

June 27th

The person that was born on this day, They are funny kind and sweet. But if you mess with them they will beat your ass. They would kill for you. They are to the most loyal people in the UNIVERSE!!

Person1:Hey when’s your birthday
Person2: June 27th
Person1:Dude can you beat that guys ass for me?
Person2: Sure thing

by Itsmeloanly May 31, 2020

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž