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Jessica is a very independent girl. She is well rounded and involves herself in many activities with many people. Although she is independent she is a reliable and loyal friend when it comes down to it. Jessica’s weakness is her short temper. It’s easy to get on her nerves, but if you’re careful enough, she’s always a joy to be around. Jessica also typically has a loving family, that will always be there for her. Other than entertaining herself with countless clubs, she loves hanging out with them as well as her closest friends. Jessica is also known to be a scholar, trying her best in school. She is almost always involved in some sort of learning experience, but also typically has a well paying job. Juggling all her activities may also stress her out at times, but she is committed and says it is well worth it.

Jessica is an individual but enjoys time spent with friends, and is involved in many activities, including schooling and clubs.

by AllNames February 17, 2019

68πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


She is super gorgeous and amazing and everyone loves her. Her smile will brighten your day. But the boys love her. Watch out. She's Miss Steal-Your-Man

A: Hey. Isn't that your boyfriend?
B: Jessica stole him.

by Shejustwalkedinbiatch October 30, 2017

38πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Extremely sexy, beautiful, smart, kind hearted, loving, thoughtful. Loves outdoor adventures, but is also great at cuddling and making her man happy in every way!

Man, Jessica sure is a hottie and knows how to have fun outdoors, but I love the fun she brings in doors if you know what I mean?!

by CountryGirl83 December 20, 2016

34πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Jessica is a woman who smiles like a shy girl. She doesn't seem to know of the power in her shining countenance. Her big eyes strike the left of your chest leaving you happily encumbered and wondering if you measure up.

The source of her wholesome nature is surely a shining awareness finding no value in fabricating a facade. If she guides you in her thoughts, you are made feel at home.

...And yet she finds her injuries embarrassing and minimizes the nefarious acts of those who exploit her, but not out of fear or any weakness of the like. She sees the good in things but not enough in her self,( the latter prevailing across almost all humanity)and she's much more the arbiter of her destiny than she yet realizes.

Jessica is a woman you cant make your mind stop thinking about.

by Odd Fryman July 27, 2017

56πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Confident, focused, walks in favor and grace.

Jessica is a vivacious lady

by Vivacious and Confident December 17, 2015

99πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


a beautiful gurl who everyone loves. she is a social butterfly with a ton of good friends. all the guys fall for jessica. your lucky to be friends with a jessica so dont loose her!

damn jessica is hot. id date that.
your not good enough for that hottie

by woahhuymandude October 12, 2018

38πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Jessica is an amazing friend she is kind and carrying but can be a weird ,she usually has a few pets, she usually has dark hair, she has the guts to stand up for a true friend because she is a true friend, she is hot and fit

guy1: omg she is such a Jessica
guy2: I know right I wish j was her boyfriend

guy1: same

by Fizz_ball August 26, 2017

30πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž