Getting The Sale! For the Win! Anything positive for your benefit or for the team, regardless of whether the "time" or "event" taking place is plural or singular.
Hey Guys!!! Johnny just bagged another sale!
Benji : Two Times A Good Time!
A person who is a total liability to their team, causing harm by stealing, sabotaging, and contributing nothing of value.
Jake kept taking supplies for himself, ignored the team's strategy, and even helped the opponents—he's A Two Time.
A euphemism for sexual intercourse.
having multiple meanings:
1) you last for only 2 strokes
2) you go for two rounds
hence the name "The Two Time"
"so you gave her The Two Time"
The two time 1993-94 Blockbuster video game champion, with a 6'8 frame running on pure fuel, Dr. Disrespect.
Dude 1: Hey dude have you heard of "the two time"?
Dude 2: No, who is that??
Dude 1: Bro he's the 1993-94 Blockbuster game champ!
Another one of “Phill’s” saying, what does it mean? No one knows.
Phill: That’s a Hooha times two
“What’s two times a parable?”
“Gay men. You’ve told me this joke a thousand times.”
Two more times a slang created by greensprings school lekki meaning say a word two more times
Him: get my phone
Me: two more times