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Fortnite Player

A fucking gay ass virgin
they usually cant shut tf up about this game
(also commenly known as fork nife)
They are ultra simps and are usually between the age of 4 - 12
Huge dickheads BTW.

john : Im gay.

by ItzmeboizYT July 29, 2020

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Fortnite Player

Another word for gay

Person 1: I hate you
Person 2: well your a Fortnite Player
Person 1: no I'm straight

by a username of yes November 6, 2019

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Fortnite Player

A fortnite player, also slang for a virgin or a gay guy is a 9-14 year old who spends their time doing the following: being a speaker, liking the same gender, repulsing women, being toxic, and having bad taste in games

He’s definitely a fortnite player, I can tell by how he is gay and has his virginity

by JustJaymee January 12, 2020

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Fortnite Player

A pussy bitch whose parents dont let them play CoD or R6 these children are brain fucked and pussy little bitches danger level 0/10

Hey! See that little pussy bitch fortnite player over there lets fuck him up then throat fuck his mum :)

by nigggggerrrrrpusssy August 12, 2020

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fortnite player

An autistic bitch who can't get a shit off his Xbox controllers.

I am a fortnite player.

by Bigshaq4657 June 7, 2019

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Fortnite player

This species is very common these creatures have no mate to mate at all and when it go’s to school it is very dangerous if you tell it to get off fortnite it will use its self defense technique on you by yelling β€œSHUT UP I HATE YOU” it yells β€œI HATE THIS GAME”when it’s been playing for 26 days and 3 hours and continues to play until it dies this creatures life span depends on how long it plays fortnite and/or how old the creature is if it is 1-20 it’s life span is 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001 Geo-Seconds if it’s 21-80 it’s life span is nothing it just dies immediately

β€œGet off of fornite” mom said β€œSHUT UP I HATE YOU” The fortnite player said

by PewdipieFan483548263 February 8, 2019

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Fortnite player

A fucking idiot who needs to be captured and sacrificed to have better luck against the furries and raptor masks. Most of them are 4-12. Little idiots that are easy targets.

Little Jimmy: Do you play fortnite? Because, I am a Fortnite player

You: Murders mercilessly

by Jotoro April 28, 2020

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