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Sloppy Dallas

Getting a blowjob from a male or female packing a fat lip of dip

"Yeah Skeeter came by the other day tellin' everybody he got a sloppy dallas from Debra, hardly believe a nun could do that"

by BigBitchOnARascalDrinkinSunnyD October 15, 2020

sloppy dallas

When your southern girlfriend packs a phat lip of dip and give you a sloppy blow job

Blarg: You want me to give you a Sloppy Dallas
Eric: Of course I want one!!
Also Eric: OhHhHhHh yesss my friending!!!

by Sloppy Taloppy October 15, 2020

sloppy dallas

When your southern girlfriend packs a phat lip of dip and gives you one sloppy blowjob

Blarg: Want me to give you a sloppy Dallas

Eric: Of course brother
Also Eric: OhHhHhHh yesss my friending!

by Sloppy Taloppy October 15, 2020

Sloppy Dallas

A blowjob with a mouth full of dip.

Made famous by theDoooo McNasty and Soup on youtube.

I was not aware that she was dipping at the time and she gave me a Sloppy Dallas.

by HMetalmaster October 15, 2020

Sloppy Dallas

When a girl packs a fat lip and sucks you off.

Yeah I met this honky girl last night, and she gave me a sloppy dallas.

by FulcrumRat October 15, 2020

Sloppy Dallas

A blowjob with a mouthfull of Copenhagen.

Dude she gave me a Sloppy Dallas last night, shit looked like lawn clippings on my shaft.

by sumbitchjesus October 16, 2020

sloppy dallas

A blowjob with a mouth full of dip

Yo my girl gave me a sloppy Dallas last night

by Yeet master 696969 October 16, 2020