Api = Fire
or in indonesia traditional langguage like sunda
we call this seuneu
"be careful there is fire"
"Hati hati ada api"
"kade aya seuneu"
Assume Positive Intent. When computer programmers break things, they are in fact trying to fix them.
With API, programmers are able to do more better things faster.
FlightsLogic provides Flight API, Airline Consolidator, Flight Aggregator to the travel agents, tour operators and travel companies worldwide.
Get a Flight API | Flight Aggregator | Airline Consolidator to the travel agents, tour operators and travel companies worldwide.
The act of taking honey from bees.
Apis - referring to the genus to which honeybees belong
Slavery - the action of 'taking advantage' of the bees' hard work
Also called 'beekeeping'
If it weren't for apis slavery, I couldn't properly enjoy my biscuits.
superior to all existing space APIs, especially GreenCobalt’s api.
Person 1: "hey have you used Jays API? api.rocketlaunchestoday.xyz"
Person 2: "yes, much faster than GreenCobalt’s turtle API.
Lifecycle API is a funny idiosyncratic name, invented by some young IT folks, to try to politically justify that the API is only responsible of the lifecycle of the Data itself but not of the data that flows through it, and that the API is not doing what it actually does i.e. Create Read Update Delete operations.
A funny API that was meant to be a global integration layer for content management, and resulted to be a mapping read only of four data fields (i.e. just the Read part of the CRUD).
It was not politically possible to call it global content API or global archiving API, it was not possible to call it with the original name of the API that it was copied and stolen from and therefore the funny name came along.
Lifecycle API is not an overlay/platform API, but just a CRUD interface on GAP