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Quantum Trouser Event Affliction

An afflicition tht causes a person to randomly be sucked through a tear in the space time continuum and be dropped somewhere else wearing different trousers.

Andrew found himself in vegas wearing chinos after suffering a Quantum Trouser Event Affliction attack.

by Ricshah September 21, 2010

Knockoff Affliction tee shirt wearing guys

These are considered the cheaper version of the already horrifically douche tee shirts made by Affliction. They are typically worn by 30 something males that want to appear tougher than they actually are. They believe it makes them seem more cutting edge and cooler than the average male. This guy is typically about 30, slightly balding, semi buff (but on the far side) living with several high school buddies and in a relatively dead end job. They may also be a small time drug dealer or bookie! They like to constantly relive the big "scores" of yesteryears and target chicks that are 20-22. Typical first names could be Chad, Chris, Tom, Eric, and Paul. Nicknames could include, Pipes, T-man, Pulli.

Hey man...Be careful tonight! That place will be filled with Knockoff Affliction Tee shirt wearing guys.

by Keeping it real 716 April 8, 2017

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Ninja Affliction

The name of the sexual act in which raucous sex is performed, and recorded, while other people are asleep in the room...the key: no one must catch you.

Man, her roommate must have been on Ambien, because our recording session was definitely a Ninja Affliction!

by angelicacharisma May 8, 2012


Passion or interest. Mostly used by older people when trying to avoid saying exactly what they mean.

Man1: What’d JuJu go to jail for?
Man2: He had an affliction for other peoples cars.

by JamesMadison1845 June 6, 2023

stingray affliction

The condition of being bullied, but with an emphasis on frequent small-scale torment as opposed to specific big instances of especially harmful behavior. Usually the affliction presents in such a way that the bullied individual passes on that bullying to other people and perpetuate the issue in a social climate.

Tyler suffers from stingray affliction at school because those meanie-ass kids are always making small stabs in passing... but the pain is bigger than it seems. This has made him a callous, tough-guy asshole in response.

by Stopspyingonme September 28, 2022