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The most amazing, dope, funny, cool guy you will ever meet. Andres is someone you should always have around you. they make you laugh and smile in whatever situation. Andres is a friend that you can never let go of. Keep Andres in your life.

Yo he is such a dope guy, he must be an Andres

by K!LLER B!TCH August 22, 2017


Andres is a word of brave.They are really hot and you should date them.They get a lot of girls.He is brave honest and will do anything.They are a great boy friend

Can i date you youโ€™re an Andres

by Definitelynotuploadedby Andres October 23, 2019


A great and funny guy who will always be there for his friends when ever they need him. He is a top friend who you want to keep close to your heart he is an all round star

U are my andres

by Harold Jackson Peterson January 24, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Andres is the nicest guy in the room. Sometimes too nice, to the point that he could take a bullet for a stranger. He tries to show his best side and hide the rest because he's afraid of the rest. He'll seem carefree sometimes, may even seem like he doesn't care but he does. Andres constantly thinks about everything and it feeds his anxiety. He won't let people see him at his worst because he doesn't like pitty. He puts his friends first and everyone else second, leaving him third. Andres likes it this way, he finds peace from performing random acts of kindness.

Oh you, always have to Andres everything.

by drilltrillmillfill March 15, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Andres is a guy who will take your breath away by how caring and loving he will be . he will always want everyone happy . Andres usually will get mad a lot but it will be ok because an andres just needs a little time to cool off but a andres is kind , sweet , caring and loving

Andres is soo nice

by Periodtpooh1234 October 11, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A good friend he may me fat and have problems but he is an amazing person.Has a lot of friends.I have a crush on him I mean who wouldnโ€™t. He is a true friend and isnโ€™t fake. Keep Andres close to you and never ever let him go. And donโ€™t be me that canโ€™t tell him that I like him. Tell him straight up!

Person 1- do you have a crush on Andres
Me- yeah I think I do he is a amazing person

by Darktolight322 October 24, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Is the best fortnite player in his family. He has a long throbbing 10-12 inch cock and Can get any girl he wants

Andres is hot AF

by Hiurgaylol June 4, 2018

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