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The Antoine Effect

The Antoine Effect:

An internet phenomenon exclusive to the LGBT+ teenager side of GETTR in which a fictional character or person is popularized and idolized, becoming the stock of humor and inside jokes. The name derives from Antoine Leblanc, a fictional character (who also happens to be a DILF) belonging to one of the GETTR users.

Any character going through the Antoine effect will be the butt of jokes and well thought out humor. They may also be sexualized in a joking manner, such as the term β€œantoinussy” given to Antoine Leblanc. The characters popularity will skyrocket and soon be known throughout most of GETTR.

Oliver: "Hey, Connie, did you hear about that new character my friend drew and posted to GETTR?"

Connie: "Yeah, she seems to be going through The Antoine Effect."

by sinsentient November 9, 2021

dirty antoine

It's when you fuck someone in a festival toilet, She sniff some C on your coke and ask to be fucked by the ass.

I dirty antoine her at Lolapalooza

by KingWise! May 28, 2020

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one word: WOW!

OMG i saw Jean-Antoine today i'm so lucky

by JA Kennedy June 6, 2017


This nigga right here too extra for anyone to handle;This nigga is a pervert/comedian/nugget/Goof;If you see this monstrosity....run

Omg it’s Kee-Antoine!!!!

by OhyeahMama January 30, 2018

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Adrian Antoine

Some retard with a mullet who broke his arm in Sep. 2021, like a little pussy.

Eww, it's Adrian Antoine!

by DomNovak September 24, 2021

The Antoine Move

When you buy a pc without buying a monitor so you use the monitor of someone close to you.

Me: I have to get off now, My brother is taking the monitor.

Friend: oh fuck no why is he doing The Antoine Move?!

by Jesse van der Dijk April 3, 2022

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Antoine Griezmann

Professional diver, comes in clutch during finals.

27 year old World Cup player who attempts Fortnite dances in game.

Antoine Griezmann just dived then looked at the referee with his empty eyes and dug a foul out of the man's soul.

This 5 year old is doing take the L. Wait, you said he's 27 and married?

by lebrone jamison July 17, 2018

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