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The genie has arrived

This phenomenon occurs immediately after a person has taken a hit from a bong, pipe, bowl, apple or any apparatus that can be used to smoke marijuana. The sensation after exhale can produce feelings of euphoria, blankness or a clouding of the mind, and stupidity. Physical symptoms may vary.

That was such a big hit! The genie has arrived.

by Joisa February 2, 2010

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Carrier has arrived

Carrier has arrived, phrase.

This is said whenever an unusually large person (fat, tonk, stronk or whatever) enters a room.
Even larger people may hear "Justice has come"

*Your mum enters the living room*
Everyone: Carrier has arrived.

Terry Crews enters the room
Crews: Carrier has arrived.

by theKingMage February 4, 2014

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Whenever Colin arrives

When you know something will never happen.

Hey John will you help me do the dishes? yeah whenever Colin arrives!

by Boborob June 29, 2018

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Fucked Up Upon Arrival

FUUA (Fucked Up Upon Arrival)

โ€˜FUCKED UP UPON ARRIVAL: When youโ€™re awaiting for your significant other to come home from work and many hours later they come home and sound as though they had been through a train wreck..!hen dealing with the aftermath upon arrival.

by RoJo75 December 14, 2020

Fucked Up Upon Arrival

FUUA (Fucked Up Upon Arrival)

โ€˜FUCKED UP UPON ARRIVAL: When youโ€™re awaiting for your significant other to come home from work and many hours later they come home and sound as though they had been through a train wreck..!hen dealing with the aftermath upon arrival.

by RoJo75 December 14, 2020

Fucked Up Upon Arrival

FUUA (Fucked Up Upon Arrival)

โ€˜FUCKED UP UPON ARRIVAL: When youโ€™re awaiting for your significant other to come home from work and many hours later they come home and sound as though they had been through a train wreck..!hen dealing with the aftermath upon arrival.

by RoJo75 December 14, 2020

your shipment of fail has arrived

a reaction to a bad meme

your shipment of fail has arrived.

by catsrulesomuch February 2, 2020