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Asian Parents

Something that acutally describes what it's like having Asian parents: FML

You get compared and their excuse is that they're not comparing you to other people. They're 'telling you about the good qualities of that person that you should learn from.'
Oh, and an 'A' is known as 'Average' to Asian parents so getting anything below an 'A' pretty much means death and purely death.
Good luck and hope you survive

Me on my phone for an hour
My Asian parents: Stop being so obsessed with your phone! Go and learn something new. All you do is stay on that stupid phone of yours. If you get on your phone next time, I'm going to take it.
Me: *under my breath* FML
My parents: WhAt DiD yOu SaY? *starts with a 2 hour long lecture starting from respect and ending with how technology ruined this generation*

by Average Asian Child September 17, 2020

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Asian Parents

There are many types of azn parents, some are better than others
few of em have no idea how to govern their children. Asian mom's are commonly housewives. They are strict on different levels. Likely to limit electronics. Usually has other korean mom's who they socialize with & get advice and also compare their children semi-competitively to competitively with other children. Azn dad's are usually intelligent but nevertheless strict. Often work long work hours.
they don't want their children(when they become adults) in sub-par locations. Their strictness is in most cases, derived from wanting you to become successful. Doctors are a common choice for parent recommendations for occupations which is statistically a good option
Strict n kind ones are probably the best. They get ticked if you get bad grades and yell but cool off soon. They give punishments (typically a ban from games or other electronic device) to teach you a lesson but it works! at least if they aren't super overly aggressive. More often than not, they use more "disciplinary action" at young ages to build things into children as they grow. Some mom's in this category want their children to be stylish and reflect it.
The abusive ones mindlessly (or maybe not, thinking it'll do SOME good) physically beat their children, hoping they will rule under fear but more often than not, it just makes the child depressed and want to escape their life at home.

Asian Parents are the best! ....when they don't beat you.

by theaznkid August 5, 2011

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Asian Parents

No matter what you do, no matter what you achieve, to Asian parents, you will always be a fucking disappointment.

Asian Parents be like:

Mountains, Sky, Animals, Creatures, all beautiful (The A's in my report card)

The description of the thing (The one B)

The Asian parents: *Intensely reading the description*

by namingrandomshitifindinthisweb October 31, 2023

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Asian Parents

Obsessive to their children grade. If you want to know the "Asian Grade System" then here:
95%-100% - Good, keep up the good work.
90%-95% - Why didn't you get 100?
85%-90 - They will give you a lecture.
80%-85% - They will give you a harsh lecture.
75%-80%- They will make you cry by yelling at you or hurt you (trust me, my brother, 20 years old still have tears when he was yelled at)
70%-75% - They might hurt you badly or take away your stuff.
65%-70% - They will hurt you real bad and will talk to your teacher
60%-65% - They will hurt you real bad and will not talk to you for a long period of time.
60% lower - A big fat 0 between you and your parents.
Some other bad things that Asian kids hate are:
No 10:00 PM up.
No go outside at night.
No long hair.
No B,C,D,F.
No game or less amount of gaming.
To summarize all, NO FREEDOM.
Well, if you read this much, you probably thoughthat Asian parents are stupid. But actually, here's the truth about them:
They love you.
They just want good future for you.
They yell and lecture you because they want you to learn a lesson.
When you gt a bruise, they will recover it for you.
I'm an Asian myself, and when I was a kid, I hate my patents. But then I realize, that they are not devils. Hope this help!

Asian Parents: Hey son, where your report card?
Kid: *give report card*
Asian Parents: A... A... A... A... B(on math). *put down report card*
Asian Parents: You are a disgrace to the Vietnam. B? On Math? Stupid!

Kid: *fall from a three feet high wall*
Asian Parents: OMG son!

by Notasbad March 15, 2012

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Asian Parents

People who seem much stricter than they actually are. I have Asian parents and they don't get mad at me if I don't always get straight A's. They are a little strict but are also very kind and caring. (And, the doctor thing is accurate. They do want you to be doctors most of the time. But if you don't want to be a doctor they won't get mad.)

Person 1: I have Asian parents
Person 2: Oh...I feel bad for you
Person 1: Why?
Person 2: Well, they yell at you and expect you to be perfect all the time
Person 1: No, they don't
Person 2: Really????
Person 1: Yes

by 1010binarycode April 24, 2019

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Asian parents

Parents that are horrible for the following reasons...

1. They will make you do unnecessary work from school, such as next week's homework, or if you have none, they make you read your textbook.

2. If you are ever caught with a person of the opposite gender, they will beat you and assume you fucked them.

3. They will beat you for random reasons, and since they are asian, they know kung fu and will beat your ass.

4. Any grade below a 90 is considered failing, even if you have 89.4.

5. Once you're in High school, presents for your birthday and Christmas will stop coming. Or if the gifts do come, they will be in the form of programs or books on the SAT's or school subjects.

6. Your hair cannot be longer than 1 inch if your a male.

7. Playing video games is not allowed on weekdays, and only like 1-2 hours on weekends.

8. To buy something, it must be on sale.

9. Going out with friends is a no no.

10. Your food with always have rice in it.

11. You will be expected to become a doctor or something similar.

12. Talking against your parents will be punished.

13. You never get any money, and if you do get some, then it goes right into your "college" fund.

14. Anything over $10 will not be bought for you.

15. They will always have poor grammar. No matter how much they've been in the U.S.

16. They will reinforce math and science like crazy.

Asian parents: You get B+...be prepare to die...
Me: Oh god....

On christmas morning
*opens presents*
Damn it...another math book.

Parent: Why your hair so long? And was that girl with you???
Me: I like my hair like this. And yes, that was a girl.
Parent: HEY! You talk back and you with girl, you gonna get hurt....

by Jealousofwhitepeople December 12, 2010

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Asian parents

They are Mostly toxic and are witches,
They try to change what you said in the past slightly so you don't notice and put different words in your mouth...
For example (Whoever person:i may come back home at 7 PM) (the parent when you didn't exactly come home at 7PM:YOU SAID YOU WILL COME BACK AT 7 PM)
see... they do asshole things like this.....
Also they expect the father to give the wife money all the time and none for himself, and most mothers waste it at gambling or buying stuff they don't need

Also most Asian parents are smart but messed up in the head and are crazy...
most of they have certain things that "Trigger" them, For example disagreeing with them.
When they trigger WATCH OUT! they go super crazy and will throw anything near them at you and bull charge you
(For example they will throw a cement saw if one is near them)
they will only stop if you force them too but be carfull not to give them bruises.... if you do they will show it off at work or something and make you look like a crazy asshole...

That reminds me! 98% of Asian parents are hypocrites.....
For example (You: Imagine you play games 3 hours a day) (Asian parents:STOP PLAYING GAMES ALL DAY) now you may think this is normal but in most cases when an Asian parents say that they are mostly "Watching TV all day and just sleeping "......
Also Asian parents are crazy and if they say "PRACTICE PIANO" you have to do it and get good at it..
also most of them are manipulative son of a bitches...

Most Asian Parents are toxic hateful witches

by Asian huy November 20, 2017

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