He is God. He is the supreme soul. He is beyond all worldly pleasures.
When in danger surrender to Ayus.
ayu is a hot name for a very handsome boy, he likes to get fucked by hot boys or daddys
did i mention he likes big dicks?
hey dude you have a big dick, ayu likes that!
Ayus est un mec cool et perché il fantasme sur l'hippopotame de Madagascar et aime le bdsm hardcore, son petit kiff et le tabasco dans l'urètre
Eh! Ayus lèche moi les couilles,jai mis de la purée de brocoli comme tu aime.
Ayus rime avec anus.
Literally Japanese food that is a salted fried fish on a stick but commonly used as slang for 'penis'.
Person 1: how many shioyaki ayus did you have today?
Person 2: I don't know maybe 10?
Person 1: Wow! You are a dick fiend!
an angel with beautiful face, kindly heart,and talented skills
i hope i can marry ayu robiatul in the future