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A Brain Giggle. It is a more authentic response to something funny than LOL. The Brain Giggle describes an internal response to hilarity, producing at the most a smile, but no actual laughter. To discuss BG's with a friend often sounds much less innocent than it actually is.

“Dude, did you see what Sarah posted on her Facebook?”
“Yeah, man, I BG’d so hard.”
Weren’t you sitting with your parents?”
“I BG in front of them all of the time.”

by tkltkl March 5, 2013

6👍 21👎


BG stands the the saying "Big Gay" or really gay.

That math test is going to be BG

by Sizz Kid April 21, 2006

9👍 40👎


big girl. an insult to people who are neither big nor a girl.

You look so big when you drive, Jake. You're a BG.

by primusfan February 25, 2006

8👍 38👎


male who has spikey hair usually taller than an inch and wears flannels

That kid was definitely BGing it today.

by Baby1Nolan May 15, 2008

5👍 27👎


An acronym for "Bald Gangsta." This term is used to refer to the cholo type hispanic gangsta.

by KatieKaboom and aunt jeMAIma September 21, 2003

6👍 36👎


Bad/Brian Girlfriend
When a guy starts dating in high school and his first girlfriend is one of the following: ugly, unattractive, overly tall, annoyingly loud, crazy, pathological liar, purple colored, or grinds like a whore.
When the guy breaks up and levels up to a normal girlfriend, the ex is referred to as his BG.

Ay mayne glad to see you finally got rid yo bitch. She was a real fugly ass pot bellied cerebrally chalenged BG.

by hulo December 11, 2010

3👍 14👎


Black Guy, a term used by white folks when around black people to talk about them without them knowing, or to call someone black in general without them realizing.

That kid is such a bg.

by Morgan Davin September 29, 2007

5👍 32👎