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Part of one the most famous lines from South Park.

"Oh my God, they killed Kenny!"
"You bastards!"
Yes, bastards are the type of people who have no married parents and who also kill the same child repeatedly.

"George Bush was a bastard."

by inzomniacFTW March 25, 2010

14👍 5👎


A child, male or female, born with out their parents being married before their birth.
Not before creation, just before birth.

At least my parents were married when I was born! Your such a bastard!

Shut up! It's not my fault!

by Boo You Whore! January 8, 2011

7👍 4👎


A fun and playful name to call your closest friends.

"Sup you big bastard"
"See you tomorrow you magnificent bastard"

by Mr.Badsause July 30, 2014

7👍 4👎


A child with no father

Evan is a cunt bastard mother fucker

by Sean January 5, 2003

16👍 17👎


A word used to describe Finlay Craig

A boy who’s actions were that of a sick bastard

‘Let’s go and egg bastards house’ - said Moroc

by JKB160 January 1, 2020


A kid who dosen't know his dad

that kid is a bastard

by Archerman2324 May 15, 2019


Can be used as a noun, greeting or to emphasise something.

‘Where’s the bastard tv remote!’
Eyup you bastard’
‘Have you seen my phone? Can’t seem to find the bastard’

by MrTurnipFace April 23, 2019