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Bazza is a gorgeous Woman who is known for her beauty inside out. She has the kindest heart with a beautiful soul that shines right through her. Anyone that knows a Bazza is blessed from god!

Girl 1: who’s that? Her soul is shining.

by Bazani December 16, 2021


Originated from Soph Barrie.

Smart, sporty and likes to debate. She likes my mum's cheese, always laughs and has many jokes as well as political views.

She was a part of JT4 HOCKEY 2022.

Her mum's nickname is Bazza, so she is the next Bazza. Bazza's usually have short brown frizzy hair, blue eyes and are tall.

She likes to go to the farm, wherever that is????


by rain.bow August 16, 2022


Bazza is a pretty and a loud person you know she’s not herself when she’s quiet shes very kindhearted, and loyal she respectful to the ppl she hates but always has line that’s never crossed Also gives the best hugs can be mean has random mood swings.

“She looks a bazza
“That’s something bazza would do”

by Gossip girl x November 22, 2021


In Bolognese dialect (Bologna; Italy), 'bazza' means to hustle. This term can also be used to describe a non-transparent business deal, but one that is certainly convenient, or to enter an establishment because you are in cahoots with the owner, without having to queue endlessly.

“Ma sei riuscito a entrare?” – “Sì, c’ho una bazza con il buttafuori!”

"But did you get in?" - "Yeah, I've got a bazza with the bouncer!"

by aiden20 March 27, 2022


a big boy bazza, he can often be pretty friendly, but when u annoy him he will bash u, he is very handsome and sexy man

Oi BAZZA Get me a beer ya dog

by bazzzzzzzaaaaaa July 28, 2021


A person who has a massive penis and ploughs about 900 birds everyday. Produces enough spunk to fill a river. Pure top shagger. Nothing like Harry Graham who gets no birds and shags a fridge. NLE Choppa in me pants.

Bazza has a big NLE Choppa, I've seen him slay countless trannies with it.

by BioLarrass August 25, 2021

Bazza Dogga

The event in which a surfer positions him / her self actually inside the wave as it is breaking, but fails to maneuver him / her self out of the breaking wave resulting in a the individual getting dumped.

Note this is more prominent in inexperienced surfers.

That was a sick "bazza dogga".

by Champface March 4, 2012