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fatman belch

When a teenaged female burps so loud it resembles the burp of a man who just ate 20 hot dogs.

Ash: buuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpppppppp!

Charlene: Oh Ash come on you're a young lady you shouldn't be burping like that.

Quintin: Yeah Ash, that was a fatman belch.

by lil fuzzy July 25, 2009

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brown belch

a fart

That was one wicked smelling brown belch.

by torties February 7, 2010

Bender belch

A belch that sounds like how Bender, from Futurama, belches. It is basically a belch with the last half of it going up in pitch, almost like a belch made while smiling.

-a rough idea of how the belch is spelt

by Dave October 20, 2004

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vaginal belch

Wind expelled from the front bottom when a male/female face is within the pubic region.

wendy:come over here and kneel down i've got a vaginal belch!
billy: HHMMM smells fishy...

by Jack Richardson May 27, 2008

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felch belch

a warm, gurgling belch that regurgitates the semen swallowed from felching.

While a felch belch can be experienced by anyone who partakes in the act of felching, it is most common in the gay world.

by boombala September 11, 2006

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misdirectional belch

The belch that smells like it came out of your ass.

Milo belched and it smelled like it come out of his ass
(chili frito pie (belch)is good)
Misdirectional belch

by blarmilo January 18, 2006

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pussy belch

An extremely loud queefe. Often comical and has been known to place you in an awkward situation where you are not sure if you should ignore it or laugh.

It was great till the pussy belch, she fucking slapped me for laughing and went home. At least I did not have to ask her to leave.

by Aaron Fes September 20, 2007

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