A person with a bigforehead has been proven to basically 100% of the time to have a very large pp
Having a Big forehead (male) will scientifically be proven enlarge your pp size
If a girl has a big forehead and she is light-skin she has hoes.
She gotta big forehead and she lightskin she got hoes fs.
When someone has a big forehead it means she is normally a sucker for serial killer movies, wear a size 4 in kids, likes coffee in the morning, weird and a dope ass personality, she is probably named Tatiana, and will one day fall in love with someone named Julius
Damn Tatiana you got a big forehead
girls with big foreheads are cute asf and u should wife them up asap!!!
she has a big forehead that means shes so fine 😍😍😍
When you forehead is too Fucking big for your head and your eyebrows look like they are running away from your receding hairline and a red hair fuck
Chayme you red hair big forehead fuck