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Bing Bong

Slang used to mock and mimic the sounds of people speaking Chinese.

Those people are speaking Bing bong.

by SuezeeSmurd January 5, 2019

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Bing Bong

Anal Sex. Giving it to someone up the used food tube.

That bitch loved bing bong.

I bing bonged her all night.

by Louise Manwhore March 25, 2006

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Bing Bong

A Bing Bong is a non-hominoid simian, generally possessing tails and consisting of about 260 known living species. Many Bing Bong species are tree-dwelling (arboreal), although there are species that live primarily on the ground, such as baboons. Most species are also active during the day (diurnal). Bing Bongs are generally considered to be intelligent, particularly Old World Bing Bongs.

YOu: Hi, Bing Bong.
Bing Bong: Hi.

by as;;oougawlkrkngwakurh May 25, 2018

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Bing Bong

Bing bong is like the N word but for asian people. A racist slur for asian people

Damn, Bing bongs are really common to find in France.

by BingBongracialslur July 3, 2019

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Bing Bong

A Skrizz term derived from the double a boyz terminology. Refers to the male genetalia. Commonly used with ding dong or Bingy

Casey had a blueberry on his bing bong . Mikes had bungo juice dripping from his bing bong

by Jaded about December 19, 2014

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Bing Bong

An exclamatory response to any ridiculous, ludicrous, irritating, idiotic, or obvious spoken word, action, event, or state of being. Often used in conjunction with "hello, sir."

Jenn: That girl is a total dyko (see: "dyko" on urbandictionary.com)
Shawn: Uh, hello sir, BING BONG.

by Shawn Nanette October 27, 2005

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Bing Bong

Lethal chess taunt.

"BING BONG! checkmate."

by AC Stoner April 20, 2009

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