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I grew up in Binghamton, how do you think I feel? I KNOW this place sucks and yet it is still my hometown. Not something I am proud to admit. The only thing that we can claim to have here is... well not too damn much once I think about it. And for those of you who move to Binghamton from other places, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING? Go home now while you still have the chance!!!! I mean seriously, Binghamton is the second cloudiest area in all of the United States, and its defiantely true. I mean we are lucky to have maybe 30 sunny days a year. Who the fuck in their right mind would want to move here from somewhere else? Not me.

Binghamton sucks, move to Florida where it is actually warm in June.

by Liz November 13, 2004

81๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


Since everyone on here is painting such a fugly image of Binghamton, I think it's only fair that someone with a brain actually shows the good AND the bad. So far, for the most part anyway, the only people who've written an entry here have been (A) students from Long Island who are bitching because in reality they miss their parents and are trying to compensate, and (B) local idiots with no culture who don't actually try to find fun and complain a lot because fun doesn't find them. The city is what you make of it, just like every other city in the country. anyway...

Unlike what others on here have said, Binghamton is a major city in New York State... right up there with Syracuse, Buffalo, Rochester, Albany, and Ithaca. It's situated on the crossroads of 81, 86, and 88, and contains a fairly important train artery. Binghamton University, one of the top-rated state universities in New York (or the country for that matter), boasts a world-renowned archeology department. The metro area is broken up into boroughs, much like New York City (hence there not being a mayor in Vestal or JC). The actual city of Binghamton is fairly small, with only 50k residents, but the valley itself has almost half a million residents. It's the carousel capital of the world, home to one of the oldest zoos in the country, and has a pretty cool local museum with interesting tidbits about the city's history. Speaking of which, in it's day (up until the mid 1980's, in fact), Binghamton was a very famous and crucial city, especially in the 1920's when it was on the map in bigger letters than even Albany or Buffalo. If you're a fan of that particular era, Binghamton is a great place to visit because it captures the architectural style of that era really well. There's plenty of culture in Binghamton, and at least 1/3rd of the city's population is actually cultured a fair amount. The other 2/3rds? Name a city in the world where 2/3rds of the resident's AREN'T morons... please, try, any city in the world. Give up? I thought so.

The Bad: Since IBM (which was founded here) left the area, the city has started to fall apart. The sudden and drastic skyrocketing unemployment effects were created by both IBM leaving and the economic catastrophe of 9/11, which effected the entire state. Because unemployment went through the rough in a matter of days, the county increased its welfare benefits, and that lead to scummy people from New York City and the south to move here so they could live off the government and send the city further into the ground. But Binghamton rebounded a few years later, and today, the economy is growing stronger. We're starting to see the southern pickup-driving confederate-wearing fucktards from down south move away because we aren't cutting them checks anymore, and that's having a drastically-positive effect on the city. Anyway, let me close with some statistics for the idiot who said Binghamton "doesn't have black people." I'm half-black, my family is mostly black... here's some stats for you to wash down your stupidity with:
38% - Black
36% - White
11% - Hispanic (88% of which are puerto rican)
9% - Asian (63% of which are vietnamese or laotian)
6% - other
^ that's the actual racial breakdown for Binghamton, New York. Maybe if you went somewhere besides State Street you'd actually know that ;)

The food in Binghamton is pretty good, if you actually know where to go. Nirchi's has some of the best fucking pizza in New York State, period, as does Brozetti's. But if you're experience with food in Binghamton is limited to Pepe's, Kennedy's, Adrianos, and CIW Dining Hall, then you shouldn't talk about how aweful the food in Binghamton is. Also, take into consideration that MOST cities don't have a local favorite food. Does that shitty little town in Long Island where you come from have one? I didn't think so. Spiedies are good... not great, but not terrible. But you actually have to try one to forge an opinion about it ;)

by Mattrock April 20, 2006

153๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž


Binghamton is a depressive place for the most. On the other hand, the University campus and the nature preserve is really beautiful in the Spring and especially in the Fall. People from big cities(like the long-island guys) may not like it, but if you are a big fan of the nature itself then this place won't be too bad for you. As a guy from Istanbul(12 million city in Turkey), Binghamton is a good opportunity to smoke some weed in the woods and chill out for a while in our artificial world.

Enjoy the nature in Binghamton

by truefuck April 6, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A rust belt city in the southern teir of New York.
2. More common use: a SUNY college in neighboring vestal. It is only surpassed in quality by SUNY Geneseo. This is a school that people from poor towns dream of getting into. Many students who go here are grateful to be getting a quality education without having to go $100,000 into debt. I am very happy and fortunate to be a student here.
While the weather here can only be described frozen hell. This is a campus a student needs to own a car to be able to buy anything they need, to simply buy cigarettes it is an hour walk.
Unfortunately there is a small minority of students who ruin the image of a hard-working student, who can't afford anything more expensive. That minority of students proceed to convince the the citizens of binghamton, or townies, that all students here are spoiled, bored, cocaine addicted kids from around NYC. I hope they choke.

1. Binghamton, also known as parlour city, is a city in decline.
2. Binghamton it may have a lot of Long Islanders, but I am getting a great education and I am not broke.

by Dave the Wave April 3, 2006

52๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


I live in sunny Florida where the public schools rank 50th in the nation and the public universities only thrive because the majority of public school grads can not get accepted to schools outside the state. I am 15 minutes from both Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach with combined populations of 5+ million yet we have one small petting zoo no phillharmonic and it takes hours to get anywhere. I have never heard anyone here speak about the shoe company that made it possible for the country to participate in WWI and WWII. Thats right the U.S. did not have enough boots and Endicott Johnson saved the day. The same E.J. that employed people through the depression. Then of course there are all the pilots that were saved when they practiced in the Link simulators before jumping into the cockpit. Thats right the entire simulation industry started in Binghamton, from fighter jets to the Apollo moon missions and even the shuttle program you have Ed Link to thank. Then there is Mr. Bundys time clock factory in Binghamton you may know it as I.B.M. The Engineering school and a lot of other things at B.U. are a direct result of Mr. Watsons love of the area and Big Blue. If you are from NYC or Long Island you can thank the farmers around Binghamton and the rail yards for your milk and icecream. I would love to live in Binghamton and when I retire I might just do that. In the mean time if you are there and you don't like it....leave.

Binghamton, a great place to live.

by CigarC.E.O June 24, 2012

16๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Quite possibly the greatest city in the continental USA. In Binghamton it never rains and the sun always shines down upon you. You would be hard pressed to find a day throughout the year where the temperature falls below a serene 70 degrees. Situated in the extravagant Southern Tier of New York Binghamton's location is one of its greatest features. With only an hour drive to Elmira, New York or Scranton, Pennsylvania you simply cannot go wrong. The towns folk in Binghamton show hospitality that even the south cannot compare to, whether it is to cheer you on as you run by their houses or to come into your home and personally take your recyclables, they simply do it all. The only downside to Binghamton is that it puts other cities to shame.

In Binghamton anything is possible if you believe.

by Mat8754 April 10, 2008

91๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


Bing is one interesting place to live and go to school. First, there are only 3 seasons in Bing not 4. Summer, Winter and Spring. Spring is the shortest season, it only lasts about 1 month. Second, it really isnt a place that you want to raise a family. It rains quite often and the people who are from the area realy dislike th BU students. I find this odd becasue with out BU, although it is hard to beleive, Bing would be even worse off economically. So there are SOME rich kids form Long Island that go to school at BU, BIG DEAL, not every BU student is a stuck up prick. Some are atually nice people who like to spend money in Bing which inturn helps keep the city form crumbling even more then it already is. Bing isnt the worst place to be but it is far from the IDEAL place to be. Townines need to stop whining, BU Students need to have a little more respect and the COPS need to get a life and stop pulling me over fro speeding on 434 when i am going 4 mph over the limit.

Binghamton Weather - go take a look at a weather map for the next 10 days. Make sure it is a view of at least the entire northeast. No matter what time of year it is, on average, there will be a green area of precipatation over the city, but nowhere else for about 50 miles. Itis always raining

by Ashley Stuyvesant October 30, 2005

28๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž