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That one Italian in your school that everyone hates. Yes, the one with the excessively gay curly hair that feels the need to change moods every 2.3 hours while he brags about the new express clothes his mommy bought him for getting a 90 on his math test.

Roger: "Yo I heard Phil screaming to himself about how much he hates this girl he's talking to. He seems prettt possed man."

Matt: "The fuck are you talking about dude he just texted me about how much hes into that girl and everything he loves about her."

Matt and Roger sigh together: "That Bipolar son of a bitch."

by PoonKilla June 11, 2014

3๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


An accusation, to a person from a retard!! A bipolar person is someone who was or has-been chased by a retard. Bi- polar a cross on fire that the KKK used on theyre own lawns pretending they're wives wanted to hump..a black guy. Bipolar..a theory!! Not different than the theory aliens exist..Can't be proven!! Mental..men are tall!! The reference given to a KKK man who is wearing a tall white hat and sheet who carries a pole. Men are tall..women are weak...can you open this jar for me..??

Your mental and bipolar..God doesn't exist you need to do the dishes. Do you have a crush on a black guy?? Is my dick small??

by Elliot Starkey April 14, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A crazy girl who has wild mood swings, normally around her period time


by Anonymous to the core September 16, 2013

3๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


When an individual has a condition where he/she has wild moodswings very often where they go from feeling one way to something completely different in a matter of minutes.

(bipolar) Hey mom i made some new friends at school today!
(mom) Oh what are their names?
(bipolar) Ugh! I forgot! why are asking me this? does it matter? you can stop being a fat lazy smelly hipocrit and find out yourself!
(bipolar) (goes to his/her room) WAAHAHWAHAWHAH nobody pays attention to me! why is my mom so mean!
(mom) I really shouldn't talk to him/her... ever

by Somebody who isnt here October 10, 2013

2๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


Does and Don'ts of biplar

Do's and Don'ts for bipolar friends

When someone is depressed, it is difficult for them, but also difficult for family and friends to know what to say and do. Below is a list of suggestions that I hope you will find helpful.

Do learn everything you can about this disorder. The more you know the better equipped you will be to know what to expect.

Do realize I am angry and frustrated with the disorder, NOT with you.
Do let me know you are available to help me when I ask. I'll be grateful.

Do understand why I cancel plans, sometimes at the last minute.

Do continue to invite me to all the activities. I never know from day to day or minute to minute how I will feel and just because I am not able to participate one day does not mean I won't be able to today.

Do feel that you have the right to ask about my doctor or therapist appointments...but DON'T ask me if I'm taking my medications if I'm legitimately upset about something.

Do continue to call me, even when I only seem to want a brief conversation.

Do send cards, notes, and other reminders of our friendship or relationship.

Do offer me lots of hugs, encouragement, and love, even when I seem to withdraw.

Don't tell me I look too good to be depressed. I may be really fighting here to stay above water.

Don't tell me you know how I feel. Each of us is different and two people with this disorder can feel totally different. Pain is a relative thing, this includes emotional pain. Do let me know that you understand or that you can relate to what I am saying.

Don't tell me about your Aunt Margie or the friend of a friend who is managing in spite of this disorder. We are not all the same and I am doing my best.

Don't tell me to "pull myself up by the boot straps", "snap out of it", "what have you got to be depressed about, you have so much to be grateful for", "there are a lot of people worse off than you", "happiness is a choice" or the likes. Believe me if I could "snap" my fingers and have this depression be gone, don't you think I would have done that a long time ago? Don't you think I would "choose to be happy"?

Don't tell me not to worry, that everything will be alright or that this is just a passing phase...this is happening to me right NOW and things ARE NOT ALRIGHT!

Don't ask me how I feel, unless you really want to know.

Don't tell me about the latest fad cure. I want to be cured more than anything and if there is a legitimate cure out there, my personal doctor will let me know. Also don't call my doctor a quack and encourage me to throw out my medications.

Don't count me out. This could be the day that I'm ready to accept an invitation.

Don't give up on me...

author is unknown

by madbrain May 8, 2008

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Describes one who has bipolar disorder. This disorder causes the person to have mood swings frequently, usually triggered by something small. Mood swings can also occur for no apparent reason, and not to the person's control.

Being bipolar doesn't mean you're always depressed you fucktards.

by Gochi January 16, 2004

4482๐Ÿ‘ 1051๐Ÿ‘Ž


being within the highs and lows of the bipolar disorder.

stay away from him today, he's biploaring.

she ripped it off the wall when she was bipolaring.

when he is bipolaring, i can't make any sense of what he says or does.

by akamac November 9, 2010

23๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž