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Ukrainian Birdbath

pissing in your own mouth, passing it into a girls mouth as she's riding you. Then she spits your urine directly up in the air so it splashes down upon both of you mid-sex.

Instead of pausing sex to pee, she opted for the Ukrainian Birdbath. We showered together after sex this time. It was quite nice.

by KILLY PISTOL August 19, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

SocGenese Birdbath

This is a bathroom sink that is heavily overused for bathing various parts of Indian peoples' bodies.

This term originates from the annals of the financial world, where all people who work for SocGen (Societe Generale) seem to be Indians that are outsourced. Therefore, in this usage, SoGenese simply refers to people of an Indian heritage or descent. A bathroom sink where large numbers of them constantly wash their faces, arms, and heads is referred to as a SocGenese Birdbath.

When I walked in the bathroom to take a leak, it was like a freaking SocGenese Birdbath in there.

by Wharf_Rat November 10, 2009

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

A Filthy Rich BirdBath

The act of taking your scrotum and pulling the skin to form the shape of a small cup and having someone else take a shot of alcohol out of it

"I gave her a filthy rich birdbath last night"

by MrH@nkey January 27, 2021

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

filthy mississippi birdbath

The act of which some with diarrhea poo's in their partners mouth and dip your balls in it.

I just filthy mississippi Birdbath this bitch she's just a nasty dirty girl. she ate my shit.

by Filthy Mississippi BirdBath April 9, 2015

58๐Ÿ‘ 198๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of splish-splashing water from the sink onto your dick and balls, as mentioned in Ep. 22 of The Judgies: Josh Gets Roasted. Can also be used as "birdbathin'" or "birdbathin' it"

"When I was birdbathing after doing the business, a house centipede made a mad dash for the ol' cock and ball."

by commie_scum October 1, 2021


When you stretch the excess skin of your testicles to form a bowl and urinate into it and wait for a birdie to land on it and drink

I like to go birdbathing at the park

by Mike was whore's key August 26, 2023

rock ferry birdbath

This action is where u get ure desired partner to squirt animal poo all over u from a

Water gun
She then proceeds to rub the poo all over the balls

After this she slowly licks the poo off like a lizard to make u clean

Omg that rock ferry birdbath was so cool I am so clean

by Tobz September 6, 2021