Movie guy from Kazakhstan
Hello my name is Borat i am not from here.
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A fictional character scripted and played by the british jew comedian Baruch (Baron) Sacha Cohen.
Borat is a smiley guy from a nightmarish muslim country ( the locations are the dirties slums of Romania, the language is a mixture of polish and hebraic ) when the inhabitans are all savages, peadophils and the girl are all prostitutes (and they are all antisemitic ).
Unlike the funny foregnein played by the late Andy Kaufman who was from a fictional country, this Borat came from a "real " nation : the Kazakhinstan, a large former soviet country
His character portraits the muslims as orrible monsters just like the nazi propaganda did against the jews; ironically ,he probably thinks to be antibigotry.
" he's not trying to make fun of khazakstan but rather chose Khazakstan cause its a small country which nobody knows. i think bortsch said it all./..
"Kazakhstan is the 9th largest country in the world by area and has a population of 15 million people. But i get ur point."
Borat pwned Kazakstan with this. But really, i've never even heard of Kazakstan until Borat."
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A character by Sacha Baron Cohen. Whilst on the Ali-G show is was very funny (as it wasn't quoted a lot, and not as many people knew about it). The movie was funny before it became over-quoted by just about every one i know!! Borat HAS sold out and the novelty value has worn of. Sacha made the right decision by quitting being Borat. I dread the day when the movie "Bruno" comes out, as it will be the next Borat, and people will be quoting it mad!
Borat Quoter - I like sex, is nice
18๐ 57๐
1.Borat is the shit! he is this dude who fucks around in America to piss kazaghstani off. its hilarious!
2.very disturbingly hilarious movie fimed in 2006. while he goes to america for Glorious benefit of Kazaghstan, he finds and falls in love with Pamela Anderson (playboy slut)....
Acshie Maz! Nice to meat you gentle man and prostitute! my name is Borat! im from kazaghstan!
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An incredibly false and offensive movie to those of Kazakhstan/Soviet origin.
Borat? Refuse to be fed by social propaganda.
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ethnic slur for Russians, Poles, Lithuanians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, most of the former member countries of the Soviet Union, Moldavians, Bulgarians, Romanians and Albanians, as originated by a traditional Jewish ethnic joke, popularised by Sacha Baron Cohen. This ethnic slur does not apply to former Yugoslav nations, Slovaks, Czechs, Hungarians, Estonians and Sorbs. In a British court, a Polish engineer won a court case against his officemates for calling him Borat, citing that no Brit (or many other Western Europeans) would call any Central and Eastern European Borat.
British office worker: Hello, Borat
Polish co-worker: Sod off!
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1. A stupid ass movie about a guy from Kazachstan who carries pictures of his kids penis in his wallet, and hates Jews.
2. A stupid ass movie that everyone who has seen it tries to mimick it by saying, "NOT" or, "VERY NICE." Very gay and annoying.
John: Have you seen that movie Borat?
Jeff: No....NOT
John: If you ever say that again, I will beat you to death with my shoes.
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